1 重载无人机弧齿锥齿轮动力学分析………………………………………………■ 马源辰 郑鹏
Dynamics Analysis on Spiral Bevel Gear of Heavy-duty Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
4 优化神经网络算法在航空发动机故障诊断中的应用研究…………■ 丁发军 刘义平 孙琪 等
Analysis on the Application of Optimal Neural Network Algorithm in Aero-engine Fault Diagnosis
8 一种浮动自适应工装在喷丸强化工艺上的应用…………………………■ 舒晓君 苗奎 徐红彦
Application of a Floating Self-adaptive Tooling in Shot Peening Process
10 OBE导向的工科专业基础课混合式教学模式研究…………………………………■ 张秀珩 巴鹏
Research on OBE-Oriented Mixed Teaching Mode of Engineering Special Basic Courses
13 基于图像的铸造缺陷类型识别………………………………………………………………■ 刘晶
Type Identification of Casting Defects Based on Image
16 考虑联轴器不对中的双转子动力响应分析………………………■ 孙传宗 刘博阳 单光坤 等
Dynamic Response Analysis of Double Rotors Considering Misalignment of Coupling
19 基于Mastercam软件的口罩机熔接齿模工艺分析及******数控加工……………………■ 林冰香
Process Analysis and High Efficiency NC Machining of Welding Die for Mask Machine Based on MasterCAM
22 仪器制造技术中两种修配装配法的解析与对比………………………■ 杨小辉 刘同义 许同乐
Analysis and Comparison of Two Repairing Methods in Instrument Manufacturing Technology
24 一种新型海面垃圾回收装置设计…………………………………■ 彭泽霖 顾世明 王帅军 等
Design on a New Type of Sea Garbage Collection Device
28 基于EEMD-PCA-LSTM滚动轴承故障识别与分类方法的研究……………………■ 杨淑洁 周杨
Research on Rolling Bearing Fault Identification and Classification Based on EEMD-PCA-LSTM
34 均热板相变传热仿真分析……………………………………………■ 高羡明 郑毅 张功学 等
Simulation Analysis of Phase Change Heat Transfer of Vapor Chamber
37 轴流引风机叶轮压盖螺栓断裂分析………………………………………………■ 彭鹏 李国庆
Fracture Analysis on Impeller Gland Bolt of Axial Flow Induced Draft Fan
40 基于去除冲击信号趋势项修正中低频冲击谱方法研究…………………………■ 田聪 张明远
Research on the Method of Revising Mid-low Frequency Shock Spectrum Based on Removing Shock Signal Trend Item
44 B-C五轴加工中心拓扑结构运动轴误差传递链建模…………………■ 张银虎 杨庆东 王增新
Modeling Method of Kinematic Axis Error Transfer Chain for Topological Structure of B-C Five Axis Machining Center
48 强磁场诱导镁合金表面羟基磷灰石涂层的生长及性能研究…………■ 王艳娇 盛倩 于晴 等
High Magnetic Field Induced Growth and Properties of Hydroxyapatite Coating on Magnesium Alloy Surface
52 粉末微注射成形微反应器的显微组织和磨损性能研究…………■ 郑宏雪 张晨蕊 郭志刚 等
Microstructure Evolution and Wear Behavior of Micro-reactor by Powder Injection Molding
55 SiO2/HDPE复合材料切削仿真与试验研究…………………………■ 史贺飞 于保军 贾志远 等
Simulation and Experimental Research on Cutting of SiO2/HDPE Composite
58 基于模糊滑模控制的双路阀控液压马达同步控制研究…………■ 杨皓琦 苏东海 胡懿宸 等
Research on Synchronous Control of Two-way Valve-controlled Hydraulic Motor Based on Fuzzy
Sliding Mode Control
61 基于ABAQUS有限元仿真的L型材滚弯成型过程分析……………………………………■ 王涵
Analysis of L-profile Roll Bending Process Based on ABAQUS Finite Element Simulation
64 新型变径管道机器人的设计………………………………………………■ 常生 刘玉良 王忠超
Design of New Type Variable Diameter Pipeline Robot
66 高精度化学腐蚀工艺在复杂环境下对金属切割的研究…………■ 苏志伟 黄仁忠 汪成林 等
Study on High Precision Chemical Etching Process for Metal Cutting under Complex Environment
69 基于AMEsim角位置液压闭环控制系统研究……………………………………■ 赵吉蛟 王野牧
Research on Hydraulic Closed-loop Control System Based on AMESim Angular Position
71 列车RS-485总线组网应用的可靠性设计分析…………………………………………■ 侯春阳
Reliability Design of RS-485 Interface Circuit
75 基于单神经元PID的风力发电机机舱轮毂专用吊具电液伺服系统控制研究
………………………………………………………………………■ 孙宇峰 苏东海 杨皓琦 等
Research on Electro-hydraulic Servo System Control of Special Spreader for Wind Turbine Nacelle Hub Based on Single Neuron PID
77 基于ABB机器人点焊系统中集成伺服焊钳的应用实现方法………………………………■ 安同
Application of Integrated Servo Welding Gun in Spot Welding System Based on ABB Robot
80 金属管棒材飞剪机构动力学分析及结构优化………………………………………………■ 张欢
Dynamic Analysis and Structural Optimization of Flying Shear Mechanism for Metal Tubes and Bars
84 基于线结构光传感器的汽车后横梁前板尺寸测量…………………………■ 杨金祥 章海 陈胜
Front Plate Dimension Measurement of Automobile Rear Cross Beam Based on Line Structured Light Sensor
87 基于多传感器反馈的软体夹持器位置反馈方法……………………■ 陈晓波 汤健华 江励 等
Position Feedback Method of Soft Gripper Based on Multi-Sensor Feedback
93 防冲板箱型钢结构自动化焊接设备研制……………………………■ 邓克剑 曹杰 武志华 等
Development of Automatic Welding Equipment for Fender Box Steel Structure
96 一种四自由度并联机构及运动学分析…………………………………■ 李特奇 周毅钧 陈建鹏
A Four-DOF Parallel Mechanism and Its Kinematics Analysis
100 M310型核主泵专用屏蔽转运桶的设计研究……………………………■ 汪海 孙胜 童明炎 等
Design & Research of M310 Type Nuclear Main Pump Specialized Shield Transport Barrel
103 3D打印微型机器人技术研究…………………………………………………■ 魏天琪 郑雄胜
Research of 3D Printing Technology for Microrobots
109 小吨位一体化游车大钩静载荷试验……………………………………■ 高成 叶锐 王雨豪 等
Static Load Test on Hook of Small Tonnage Integral Traveling Block
111 基于直线电动机的3-PSS并联机器人机构设计与仿真分析……■ 朱祺珩 尹凝霞 魏远鹏 等
Mechanism Design and Simulation Analysis of 3-PSS Robot Based on Linear Motors
116 双曲线螺伞齿轮失效分析…………………………………………■ 李卫民 柳亚输 秦步祥 等
Failure Analysis of Hyperbolic Spiral Bevel Gear
119 无人液体配比实验室…………………………………………………■ 张海国 崔志亮 杨豪 等
Unmanned Liquid Proportioning Laboratory
122 GM-Markov模型在船舶水上交通事故预测中的应用………………■ 李政良 杜柏松 刘然 等
Application of GM-Markov Model in Prediction of Marine Traffic Accidents
125 线材类产品冲压成型模具结构比较分析………………………………………■ 杜祥雷 梁家劲
Comparison and Analysis on the Structure of Stamping and Forming Die for Wire Products
128 基于ABAQUS的服务器跌落仿真与实验研究……………………………………………■ 张海龙
Research on Drop Test and Simulation of Server Based on ABAQUS
130 某储能发电机组公共底座设计及分析……………………………■ 陈秋红 李东超 杨延涛 等
Design and Analysis on a Common Base of an Energy Storage Generator set
134 精准服务武汉城市圈,建设智能制造专业群……………………………■ 王中林 高淼 陈帆 等
Building an Intelligent Manufacturing Professional Group for Accurately Serving Wuhan Metropolitan Circle
137 基于核极限学习机的碳化钨涂层砂带磨削表面粗糙度的研究…■ 黄红涛 徐文博 李志胜 等
Research on Surface Roughness of Tungsten Carbide Coating Belt Grinding Based on Kernel Extreme Learning Machine
141 混流式水轮机转轮再造修复技术应用和探索………………………■ 杨王波 王地召 刘念 等
Application and Exploration of Remanufacturing and Repairing Technology for Francis Turbine Runner
144 机器人拆垛工作站的设计与应用………………………………………■ 谢高兰 陈广文 白跃品
Design and Application of Robot Destacking Workstation
146 作动筒内置指形锁结构研究…………………………………………………■ 冯广 张健全 金军
Structural Study on Actuator Inner Finger Lock
149 基于Production Modul 3D数控铣削仿真技术在钛合金主吊挂加工中的应用
………………………………………………………………………■ 吴东华 邓志刚 张德纯 等
Application of Production Modul 3D Numerical Control Milling Simulation Technology in Titanium Alloy Main Hanger Processing
153 大型船用锻件水冒口冲击功偏差问题研究…………………………………………………■ 辛宇
Study on Impact Power Deviation of large Marine Forgings Riser
156 基于MATLAB的配网带电作业机器人运动学和作业路径仿真分析…■ 孙霄伟 任书楠 徐善军 等
Simulation Analysis of Kinematics and Path Planning for Live Working Robot in Distribution Based on MATLAB
161 贝雷桥建模方法与应力计算研究…………………………………■ 徐大伟 马祥新 李莎莎 等
Research on Modeling Method and Stress Calculation of Bailey Bridge
164 一种单通道柔性下料库的设计改进…………………………………………………………■ 王晓
Design and Improvement of a Single Channel Flexible feeding storage Device
166 长箱形结构箱体焊接变形控制及研究………………………………………■ 于前 吴香清 胡妞
Research on Welding Deformation Control of Rectangular Box
169 基于快速模具技术的刀割分型面法制造工艺研究……………………■ 肖宏涛 蔡文伙 陈开源
Research on the Manufacturing Technology of Cutting Parting Surface Based on Fast Die Technology