1 下肢康复机器人的控制系统研究…………………………………………………………■ 谭苗苗
Research on Control System for Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot
4 基于机器人的电缆隧道智能消防系统………………………………………………………■ 王斌
Intelligent Firefighting System for Cable Tunnel Based on Robot
7 特轻小试件的理料与连续运动中的浮动定位……………………■ 顾立志 夏巨明 宋金玲 等
Material Handling and Floating Positioning in Continuous Motion of Ultra-light and Small Specimens
10 飞机舱门工装柔性技术研究……………………………………………■ 王巍 乌琛 闫梦娜 等
Flexible Tooling Assembly Design of Engine Cabin Door
13 电梯 125% 额定载荷制动性能的无载荷定量检测…………………■ 陈建勋 苏宇航 杨宁祥 等
No-load Quantitative Detection of Elevator Braking Performance under 125% Rated Load
17 钢筋混凝土 T 型节点位移极限仿真模拟…………………………■ 胡金辉 孙颖娜 张丽娜 等
Simulation of Reinforced Concrete T-joints Displacement Limits
20 缝合线拉力与小梁网扩张宽度的仿真分析与实验研究…………………………■ 巴鹏 刘识博
Experimental Investigation and Simulation Analysis on Suture Tension and Dilation Width of Trabecular Meshwork
24 颈椎逆向成型及生物力学分析………………………………………■ 何荧 张洪军 宋金秋 等
Reverse Molding and Biomechanical Analysis of Cervical Vertebra
28 增材制造铝合金接头构件静力试验方案的设计与验证……………■ 宋欣 刘桐言 年乐奇 等
Design and Verification of Static Test Scheme for Aluminum Alloy Joint Component Made by Additive Manufacturing Process
32 基于坐立转换的老人辅助站立装置的研究与设计………………■ 彭见辉 李佳玉 黎小巨 等
Research and Design of Assisted Standing Device for the Elderly Based on Sit-to-stand Conversion
36 不同形式的风挡对高速列车气动阻力及升力的影响……………………■ 杨恩宇 胡家声 陈尧
Effect of Windshield Schemes on Aerodynamic Drag and Lift of High-speed Trains
40 CFRP 层合板爆炸分离损伤模式研究………………………………■ 余海洋 宣海军 何泽侃 等
Study on Explosion Separation Damage Mode of CFRP Laminates
45 某型压力传感器温度性能自动测试系统设计…………………………■ 周彦凯 姚文颖 姜会菊
Automatic Test System Design for Temperature Performance of a Pressure Sensor
48 基于神经网络预测钨合金冲击载荷下的流动应力………………………………■ 卢旭 赖修文
Prediction of Flow Stress in Tungsten Heavy Alloy under Dynamic Loading by Artificial Neural Networks
53 面向核退役设施拆除的机器人遥操作系统设计及实现研究………■ 马永红 高文朋 何贇 等
Design and Implementation of Robot Teleoperation System for dismantling Nuclear Decommissioning Facilities
57 乏燃料干法贮存容器内腔气体杂质含量分析…………………………■ 卢可可 李馨楠 张白茹
Analysis of Cover Gas Impurities Quantity on the Spent Fuel Dry Storage Cask
60 机电产品设计阶段数字孪生模型演化方法及应用……………■ 谢啊奋 王建生 康献民 等
Evolution Method and Application of Digital Twin Model in Mechanical and Electrical Product Design Stage
66 同轴换热器内管截面积的计算方法探讨…………………………………………………■ 李菊
Calculation Method Study on Inner Tube Cross-sectional Area of Coaxial Heat Exchanger
69 基于 STEP-NC 的数控加工文件共享系统研究………………………■ 唐锋 易杰 易辉成 等
Research on File Sharing System of NC Machining Based on STEP-NC
72 铝制散热翅片低温钎焊技术研究………………………………………■ 杨飞 羊应官 龙辉文
Study on Low Temperature Brazing Technology of Aluminum Radiating Fins
76 乘用车电动玻璃升降器试验台设计………………………………■ 李强 仰蕾伊 徐中青 等
Design of Test Bench for Electric Glass Elevator of Passenger Car
79 方形四立柱半潜式平台涡激运动特性数值模拟研究…………■ 王金涛 魏东泽 阙小玲 等
Numerical Simulation on Vortex-induced Motion Characteristics of a Semi-submersible Platform
83 机场捷运系统列车大回流车门控制………………………………………■ 廖绍辉 刘帅 姚风龙
Door Control of Train under Large Passenger Return in Airport Rapid Transit System
86 半球形金属件专用可调带锯床夹持装置的设计………………………■ 王述强 杨庆辉 熊雪峰
Design of a Special Adjustable Band Saw Clamping Device for Hemispherical Metal Parts
88 基于正面碰撞前防撞梁的 DOE 轻量化设计………………………■ 陈祖兴 王运辉 程一明 等
Lightweight Design of Front Anti-collision Beam Based on Frontal Impact
93 调节环结构轻量化拓扑优化设计研究……………………………■ 宋经远 邵万仁 贾东兵 等
Research on Topology Optimization Design of Regulating Ring Structure Lightweight
96 基于 Mixture 模型的磷酸萃取搅拌器固液两相流研究…………………………■ 张正阳 张国鹏
Study on Solid-liquid Two-Phase Flow in Phosphoric Acid Extraction Agitator Based on Mixture Model
99 工业仿真赋能平台探索…………………………………………………………■ 赵幼芳 周蓝海
Exploration of Industrial Simulation Empowerment Platform
102 挤扩支盘桩试验研究进展……………………………………………■ 王胜 张成富 孟凡臣 等
Experimental Study Progress about Squeezed Branch and Plate Pile
105 一种新型自动上下楼轮椅的力学分析………………………………………■ 李哲 伍世英 许昌
Mechanical Analysis of a New-type Automatic Wheelchair for Walking up and down Stairs
108 液力变矩器泵轮轴套焊接对流体性能影响研究…………………………■ 彭小龙 凌锡春 蒋勇
Research on the Effect of Welding Impeller Hub on Fluid Performance of Torque Converter
112 一种智能屏幕支架的设计…………………………………………■ 程智勇 李晓娟 陈文尉 等
Design of an Intelligent Screen Bracket
115 RTTTR 型多轴齿轮加工复合机床虚拟样机建模和仿真切削……………………………■ 朱浩洋
Virtual Prototype Modeling and Cutting Simulation of RTTTR Multi-axis Composite Machine Tool for Gear Machining
118 智能三指灵巧手结构设计及验证…………………………………………………………■ 宋宇晓
Structural Design and Verification of Intelligent Three-finger Dexterous Hand
122 ASI 总线在双工位阀口包装生产线上的应用………………………………■ 周祥 徐立敏 苏舒
Application of ASI Bus in Double-position Valve Port Packaging Production Line
125 双线式集中润滑系统在垃圾焚烧炉上的应用……………………………………■ 蒋玲 周璐璐
Application of Double-line Centralized Lubrication System in Waste Incinerator
127 混砂机水玻璃系统的改进…………………………………………………………………■ 姚国涛
Improvement of Water Glass System in Sand Mixer
130 中国氦冷固态实验包层模块整体框架结构强度分析……………■ 陶海燕 吴苑玉 王泽明 等
Strength Analysis of Frame Structures for CH HCSB TBM
133 重载齿轮齿条齿形设计与齿根应力计算方法研究………………………………………■ 梁竞夫
Research on Tooth Profile Design and Tooth Root Stress Calculation Method of Heavy-duty Gear Rack
137 轻型载货汽车锂离子起动电池的可行性分析……………………………………………■ 库国辉
Feasibility Analysis of Lithium Ion Starting Battery for Light Trucks
141 三坐标测量机在航空航天飞行器零部件检测中的应用………………■ 胡成昕 刘心宇 刘广东
Application of CMM in the Inspection of Aerospace Vehicle Parts
144 典型现代有轨电车用钩缓装置选型分析…………………………………………………■ 时延山
Analysis of Coupler Configuration for Typical Modern Light Rail Vehicle
148 基于粒子群算法的工程机械机群动态调度问题的求解………………………■ 李金鑫 何晓晖
Solving Optimization Scheduling Model of Engineering Machinery Fleet Based on Particle Swarm Algorithm
151 管道设计和安装对汽轮机稳定性的影响分析………………………………■ 毕雪 段森 杨晓辉
Effect Analysis of Piping Design and Installation on Turbine Stability
160 一种铰接式履带行走传动装置的设计…………………………………………■ 乔曙光 董存贤
Design of an Articulated Crawler Walking Transmission Device
154 某款发动机贴合试验活塞裙部开裂问题解析……………………■ 乔彦超 栾永东 张亚林 等
Analysis on Cracking of Piston Skirt in Fitting Test of an Engine
157 发动机平衡轴清洁度超差问题分析与解决…………………………………………………■ 徐晔
Analysis and Solution to the Out-of-tolerance Cleanliness Problem of Engine Balance Shaft
163 一种薄壁桁条类零件随形加工技术研究………………………………■ 樊艳权 王杨 李泊 等
Research on a Conformal Machining Technology of Thin-walled Strip Parts
166 基于 ABAQUS 的金属波纹管成形分析及应用研究…………………■ 吴京祥 王志辉 王兆峻 等
Research of Forming Analysis and Application for Metal Bellows Based on ABAQUS
170 一种基于模拟量的数字量协调补偿制孔加工方法………………………■ 李洋 韩磊 赵怡 等
A Digital Quantity Coordination Compensation Hole-making Method Based on Analog Quantity