机械研究与分析 / Mechanical Research and Analysis
1 高压断路器液压操动机构关键参数对分闸过程动态特性的影响…………■ 苏东海 章申 刘鑫
Effect of Hydraulic Operation Mechanism Parameters in High Voltage Circuit
Breaker on Dynamic Characteristics
4 基于ANSYS的高温换模装置夹持臂的优化设计………………………■ 刘春 安海明 张洪瑞 等
Optimization Design of High Temperature Mold Clamping-arm Based on ANSYS
8 基于单片机的桌面型并联机器人的设计………………………………■ 卢桂萍 郑文铎 陈增霖
Design of Desktop Parallel Robot Based on Single-chip Computer
11 主动磁悬浮轴承监控系统设计及验证…………………………………………■ 任正义 李乃安
Design and Verification of Monitoring System for Active Magnetic Bearings
15 基于模态应变能的汽车地板自由阻尼材料布置………………………■ 付景顺 马光阳 王光辉
Arrangement of Free Damping Materials for the Floor Panels Based on Modal Strain Energy
18 某载货汽车车架有限元分析及尺寸优化………………………………■ 于志新 曹全德 杨士通
Finite Element Analysis and Dimension Optimization of a Truck Frame
21 基于FCM-GRA的故障诊断方法研究………………………………………………■ 杨志 卢敏童
Research on Fault Diagnosis Method Based on the FCM and GRA
23 基于仿真加工法的阿基米德蜗轮三维建模……………………………■ 尚振国 蔡卫国 谢忠东
Three Dimensional Modeling of Archimedes Worm Gear Based on Simulation Machining Method
26 设计参数对轴向永磁联轴器的影响………………………………………………■ 田杰 龚昌富
Influence of Design Parameters on Axial Permanent Magnet Coupling
29 基于新型创意平板折叠桌的研究……………………………………■ 陈毓瑾 蒯立宝 占子龙 等
Study on the Novel Originality of Plate Folding Table
33 基于频谱与可视化分析相结合的吸尘器降噪研究………………………■ 张昊 贾世明 李奕江
Research on Vacuum Cleaner Noise Reduction Based on Spectrum and Visualization Analysis.
35 基于间隙铰的锤片式粉碎机锤销接触力研究……………………………■ 刘宝 陈俊宇 李*飞
Study on Contact Force between Hammer and Pin of Hammer Mill Based on Clearance Joint
39 基于某款新型磁阻式磁力联轴器的动力学分析研究……………………………■ 杨先进 田杰
Study on the Dynamic Analysis Based on a New Type of Magnetic Resistance Coupling
42 基于物联网的波纹补偿器无线监测系统………………………………■ 倪洪启 孙凤明 王凤双
Wireless Monitoring System of Corrugated Compensator Based on Internet of Things
45 TZG20-200GF轨道式铁钻工的设计研究…………………………………■ 春晨 李洪波 张强 等
Design and Research on Spinner Wrench of TZG20-200GF Track Iron Roughneck
48 小型原油分离器数据检测设计及远程传输调试…………………………■ 陈鸿 来跃深 孙攀龙
Data Detection Design and Remote Transmission Debugging of Small Oil Separator
51 往复压缩机气柱共振分析………………………………………………■ 张振宇 张秀珩 纪然 等
Analysis on Air Column Resonance of Reciprocating Compressor
55 Job Shop作业车间物料配送小车定位方法研究…………………………………■ 徐晓芳 刘鑫
Research on Location Method of Job Shop Material Distribution Car
57 波纹板的结构及转速对油水分离的效果分析……………………………■ 仝毅杰 尚雅层 陈鸿
Effect Analysis of Corrugated Board Structure and Rotating Speed on Oil-Water Separation
60 基于CPS的装配过程数据挖掘系统研究…………………………………………■ 郑达 钱佩伦
Research on Data Mining System for Assembly Process Based on CPS
62 基于驱动约束的刀轴优化方法…………………………………………■ 张大远 刘勇 王昊 等
Tool Orientation Smoothing Based on Drive Constraints
66 双气隙双实心电磁感应式磁力联轴器传动特性分析………………………………■ 郑华 田杰
Transmission Characteristics Analysis of Double-gap Double-solid Electromagnetic
Induction Type Magnetic Coupling
69 整体叶轮的数控加工工艺研究与实施……………………………………■ 高睿杰 高崇 顾涛
Implementation and Research on Machining Process of Impeller
72 某吊舱转接桁架结构静力特性分析………………………………………■ 田玉艳 王进 吕超
Static Characteristic Analysis on Transferring Truss Structure of a Pod
74 工时不确定条件下基于改进遗传算法的柔性作业车间调度问题的区间数求解方法…………■ 陈宇轩
Solution about the Interval Number of Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem
Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm under Uncertain Time
77 烟草行业负压吸送式气力输送装置(系统)的设计计算……………………………■ 王云强
Design and Calculation of Negative-Pressure Pneumatic Transporting Device (System)
for Tobacco Industry
80 轴类零件压力校直机机体结构分析与优化…………………………■ 郝建军 何青松 李俊 等
Optimization and Analysis on Body Structure of Shaft Parts Straightening Machine
机械设计与计算 / Mechanical Design and Calculation
84 基于STC89C52自动浇花与雨水收集系统的设计与实现…………■ 肖伟伟 白晓乾 张金萍 等
Design and Implementation of Automatic Watering Flowers and Rainwater Collection System Based on STC89C52
CPS环境下机械产品装配过程虚拟装配单元建模研究……………………………………■ 王昊
86 Research on Virtual Assembly Unit Modeling of Mechanical Assembly Process
under the Environment of CPS
基于双尾鳍式的新型仿生自主式水下机器人…………………………■ 徐跃 章海 屈晓坤 等
89 Late-model Bionic Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based on Double Tail Fin
考虑履带滑动的履带车辆转向载荷比分析与验证…………………■ 李荣利 李善乐 芮强 等
92 Verification and Analysis on Steering Power Ratio of Tracked Vehicle within Track Slid Taking
into Consideration
96 *********壁纸裁剪、张贴器设计……………………………………■ 王超艺 李淑娴 盖欣桐 等
Omnidirectional Wallpaper Cutting and Posting Device
99 一种剪叉式运动骨架设计…………………………………………■ 韩文武 樊愿华 倪禹隆 等
Design of a Scissor-type Motion Skeleton
102 基于TCS230颜色识别传感器的纸币清分机………………………■ 谢天海 梁磊磊 代献泽 等
Paper Currency Sorter Based on TCS230 Color Recognition Sensor
104 智能蜘蛛机器人的设计与实现……………………………………■ 刘宇航 石春源 陆绍鑫 等
Design and Implementation of Intelligent Spider Robot
107 基于CFX的仿生鱼尾摆动水动力仿真及优化………………………■ 尹昱康 张兵 吴海平 等
Hydrodynamic Analysis of Flapping Motion for Robot Fish Tail Based on CFX
112 CO2激光切割亚克力板材的应用研究……………………………………………………■ 曾俊皓
Study on the Application of CO2 Laser in Cutting Acrylic Sheet
115 油田射孔弹弹体压制模具设计及实验研究…………………………■ 张银玲 项伟 李柏男 等
Design and Experimental Study of the Mold for Oil Perforating Bullet
117 铝型材冷却台的主链轮设计……………………………………………………■ 梁广铭 伍伟杰
Main Sprocket Design of Section Aluminum Cooling Machine
120 一种自动爬楼运输车……………………………………………………■ 王宇 李胜 陈文仁 等
A Kind of Automatic Transport Vehicle for Climbing Stairs
122 基于Matlab的钢板弹簧式后悬架骨架模型的建立及应用……………………■ 崔文宾 陈丽秋
Establishment and Application of Leaf Spring Suspension Model Based on Matlab
126 基于机器视觉的滑动轴承内表面缺陷自动检测系统——自动检测系统设计………■ 杜克飞
Design of Automatic Detection System for Inner Surface Defect of Sliding Bearing Based on Machine Vision
129 铝硅合金高周疲劳损伤的微观机理…………………………………■ 王龙 李志强 吴建国 等
Damage Micromechanisms of Al-Si Alloys in High Cycle Fatigue
135 超大型集装箱船舶岸电系统研讨………………………………………………■ 尹晨夕 杜学鹏
Analysis and Study of Alternative Marine Power Supply for Super Large Container Vessel
140 真空管热水器发泡工艺内胆的静应力分析……………………………■ 王磊 苏士强 牛绍全
Static Stress Analysis of Tank in the Foaming Process of Vacuum Tube Water Heater
143 低低温电除尘器灰斗蒸汽加热改造节能计算…………………………■ 杨浩 杜佳棋 俞晶 等
Energy Saving Calculation of Steam Reforming for Low-temperature Electrostatic Precipitator Hopper
145 旋压皮带轮公差分析………………………………………………………………■ 陈佳 荣光伟
Tolerance Analysis for Spinning Pulley
149 全自动自由落体式往复冲击试验机的创新设计………………………………………■ 陆宏文
Innovative Design of Fully-automatic and Free-fall Reciprocating Impact Testing Machine
151 基于LabVIEW的电阻式油位传感器质量检测装置………………………………■ 夏麟 王少娜
LabVIEW-based Quality Testing Device for the Test of Resistance-type Oil Level Sensor
155 带式输送机传动滚筒力学分析与有限元仿真………………………■ 汪玉 郑红满 倪兴元 等
Finite Element Simulation and Mechanical Analysis in Driving Drum of Belt Conveyor
158 比例阀在激光切割机床上测试与研究……………………………………………■ 夏建斌 郑东
Test and Research of Proportional Valve on a Laser Cutting Machine
164 指示表智能检测分选系统的研究………………………………………………■ 周洪燕 宿文玲
Study on Precision Detection and Sorting System of Intelligent Dial Gauge
171 基于HyperWorks的平衡轴轴壳有限元分析………………………………………………■ 杨毅
Finite Element Analysis of Balance Shaft Shell Based on HyperWorks
机械制造与应用 / Mechanical Manufacture and Application
133 基于UGNX10茶壶的五轴数控加工…………………………………………………■ 廖晓明 吕辉
Five-axis NC Machining Based on UGNX10 Teapot
138 厂修机车车轴利旧加工成工程作业车车轴可行性分析…………………………■ 陈露 朱博文
Feasibility Study on Recycling Old Electric Locomotive Axle into Engineering Machinery Vehicle Axle
160 深熔焊熔深不够原因分析及解决方法…………………………………■ 李文锋 丁顺霞 贺水冰
Solutions and Causes Analysis on Insufficient Weld Depth of Deep Penetration Welding
机械维修与诊断 / Mechanical Academic Communication
162 染色机热交换器角焊缝裂纹产生原因分析及修复…………………………………………■ 杨柳彬
Cause Analysis and Repair of the Fillet Weld Crack of Dyeing Machine Heat Exchanger
167 基于RSGWPT-MSE和PNN的潜油电泵故障诊断方法…………………………………………■ 王亚昆
A Diagnosis Method for Electrical Submersible Pump Based on RSGWPT-MSE and PNN