机械研究与分析 / Mechanical Research and Analysis
1 煤粉在水平管道输送过程中的数值模拟………………………………■ 郭培红 李博 朱建安 等
Numerical Simulation of Pulverized Coal in Horizontal Pipe Conveying
4 双臂工业机器人设计与协调运动研究…………………………………■ 王勇 黄俊杰 郑彬峰 等
Research on Design and Coordination Motion of Dual-arm Industrial Robot
7 开端情况下自紧身管应力分布简化计算数值仿真………………………………………■ 杜中华
Numerical Simulation on Stress Distribution Simplified Calculation of Self-tight Tube
under One Condition
10 10 t桥式起重机主梁结构动态特性分析研究………………………■ 刘海强 赵坚 洪学武 等
Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of 10 t Bridge Crane Girder
13 绳索驱动的仿生关节设计与仿真分析…………………………………■ 王从浩 张春 林佳裔 等
Design and Simulation Analysis of Rope-driven Bionic Joints
16 电动汽车车架的随机振动分析…………………………………………■ 张硕 龙海洋 裴未迟 等
Random Vibration Analysis of Electric Vehicle Chassis
19 基于面内激光测振仪电动机转速测量……………………………………■ 汪辉 宋耀东 杨兴 等
Measurement of Motor Speed Based on In-plane Laser Vibrometer
22 炼钢厂高低轨道连接跨吊车梁在E列单幅加载下的变形和应力分析………■ 英玺蓬 尹晓春
Deformation and Stress Analysis on Steelworks Crane Girder of High-low Track
under Single-row Loading of Column E
26 自动换瓶输液机的研制………………………………………………■ 周鹏程 周芃芃 张振炎 等
Equipment Design for Automatically Changing Bottles in Transfusion Process
28 基于部件间的约束加工中心布局预测方法……………………………………■ 李纬天 萨日娜
Layout Prediction Method of Machining Center Based on Constraints between Parts
33 基于Simmechanics仿人机器人下肢的能耗分析……………………■ 林佳裔 王从浩 张春 等
Energy Consumption Analysis of Humanoid Robot Lower Limb Based on Simmechanics
37 旋进旋涡流量计气固两相流数值模拟与实验研究…………………■ 谭文熬 崔宝玲 张玉良 等
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research of the Swirlmeter Delivering Gas-solid Two-phase Flow
41 客车车身结构的有限元分析……………………………………………………■ 田国富 赵庆斌
Finite Element Analysis of Bus Body Structure
45 成串服装裁片自动收剪机的设计……………………………………■ 崔敏 陈思成 黄华荃 等
Design of Automatic Cutting and Collect Machine for Clusters of Garment Cuttings
48 低惯量后梁的创新设计……………………………………………………………■ 金亮 周巧燕
Innovative Design of the Low Inertia Back Rest
51 一种数字式多路温度检测系统的设计…………………………………………■ 宿文玲 于海宏
Design of a Digital Multi-channel Temperature Detection System
53 半潜式平台系泊运动数学模型及其仿真视景构建…………………………■ 张磊 贾鹏 苏峰 等
Mathematical Model of Semi-submersible Platform Mooring Movement and
Construction of Its Simulation Scene
63 基于CFD数值模拟的洗衣机排水泵优化……………………………………■ 高勇 康献民 肖勇
Optimization of Washing Machine Drainage Pump Based on CFD Numerical Simulation
66 货船叠加式舱口盖装置的设计……………………………………■ 王兆玄 张洪刚 王高虎 等
Design of Superposed Hatch Cover for Cargo Ship
69 基于分离式滚筒的硬币清分机设计与制作…………………………■ 邬宗鹏 王琼 周孟洋 等
Design and Manufacture of Coin Sorter Based on Separating Drum
机械设计与计算 / Mechanical Design and Calculation
72 新型平键起键器的研制………………………………………………■ 张颖利 罗华安 吴长华
Manufacturing of a New Dismantling Device for Flat Key
75 大中型电动机插转子机调平机构的设计与研究………………………………■ 万正喜 彭立立
Design and Research on Leveling Mechanism of Rotor Assembly Machine for Large and Medium Size Motor Rotor
79 旧钻机再制造技术可行性分析……………………………………■ 吴卫周 刘志林 刘远波 等
Feasibility Analysis of Old Rig Remanufacturing Technology
84 活性炭输送净化微型系统设计………………………………………■ 朱凌宏 李军庆 叶宏伟
Micro System Design for Activated Carbon Delivery and Purification
88 应急救援装备小型手扶式运输车动力传动系统参数匹配与结构设计………■ 杜波 王建华 殷鹰 等
Parameter Matching and Structural Design of the Small Walk-Behind Transport Cart Powertrain for Emergency Rescue Equipment
92 RV减速器的运动学研究…………………………………………………■ 赵盛 段素爽 赵利锋
Kinematics Study of the RV Reducer
96 基于DYNAFORM软件的微波炉腔体成形数值研究………………………………………■ 张增英
Numerical Simulation Analysis in Forming Technics of Microwave-oven Cavity
Based on Dynaform Software
98 基于SPC的乘用车离合器生产质量控制研究…………………………………■ 周小康 全世平
Research on Quality Control of Passenger Vehicle Clutch Production Based on SPC
101 某大型斜温层储水罐布水器设计………………………………………………■ 高良军 姜晓霞
Water Distributor Design for Large Scale Thermocline Water Tank
103 龙门五轴机床检测关键技术研究…………………………………………■ 张希芳 林鹏 吴迪
Key Detection Technologies of Gantry Type 5-Axis Machine Center
106 刮板机减速器的现状及发展研究…………………………………………………………■ 王伟
Research on the Present Situation and Development of Scraper Conveyor Reducer
108 卷接机组残烟条烟丝在线分选装置的研制与应用………………………■ 林河 张晖 韩京珉
Development and Application of Tobacco On-line Sorting Device for Remnants of Cigarette Making Machine
111 液压式艺术版画压印机的创新设计……………………………………………………■ 黄丽红
Innovative Design of Wood Carving Art Print Imprinting Machine
113 运用六西格玛设计解决张紧器转矩衰减问题………………………………■ 李姣 李强 刘峰
Resolution of Tensioner Torque Reduction Problem Using Design for Six Sigma
116 数控转塔冲床齿轮齿条传动系统的选型计算……………………………■ 芦锋 徐成 李怀杲
Selection and Calculation of Gear Rack and Pinion Transmission System in NC Turret Punch
118 飞行器控制翼动特性分析……………………………………………■ 解海鸥 郭鹏飞 万爽 等
Dynamic Characteristics Analysis for Control Airfoil of Vehicles
121 激光多普勒测振仪在汽车零部件模态分析中的应用……………■ 廖江江 罗海清 宋耀东 等
Application of Laser Doppler Vibrometer in Modal Analysis of Auto Parts
124 高校工程实训中心通风除尘监控系统设计……………………………………■ 章盼梅 朱万浩
Design of Ventilation and Dust Monitoring System in Engineering Training Center of University
127 直升机在不同海情不同吨位舰船起降舰面共振研究……………………………………■ 周华
Study on Ship Resonance when Helicopters Take off or Land at Ships of Different Tonnage under Different Ocean Conditions
129 航空发动机某紧配合零件分解方法研究………………………………………………■ 王洪明
Research on Decomposition Method of Tight Fit Parts in Aeroengine
132 压丝辊模态分析与优化设计……………………………………………………■ 毛新华 黄婷婷
Modal Analysis and Optimal Design of the Roller
134 填料平面密封的研制………………………………………………■ 王洪群 周国忠 徐奔驰 等
Research of Rectangle Packing Seal
136 海洋支持平台BT3500-2钻井包液压系统研究…………………………■ 王波 安浩 窦伟 等
Analysis on Hydraulic System of BT3500-2 Drilling Package in Offshore Support Platform
139 六西格玛设计方法在射流预冷装置设计中的应用………………■ 刘旭峰 薛洪科 常鸿雯 等
Application of Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) in Mass Injection Pre-compressor Cooling Device Design
141 连续管注入头检验方法研究…………………………………………■ 李*飞 吴大飞 张三坡
Research on Inspection Method of Coiled Tubing Unit Iniector
143 汽车座椅舒适性设计及评价方法探讨………………………………■ 侯辉 彭志军 张田程 等
Study on Comfort Design and Evaluation Method of Vehicle Seat
146 半直驱风力发电机组联轴器胀紧套优化分析…………………………………■ 赵春雨 柳胜举
Optimization Analysis of Coupling Used in Semi-direct-drive Type Wind Turbine
149 立轴式冲击破碎机空气内循环技术分析………………………………………■ 乐声滨 柳逢春
Analysis of Internal Air Circulation in Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher
159 新型防返吐分层配水工作筒研制及应用………………………………王现锋 张磊 王良杰 等
Research and Development of a New-type Anti-backflow Seperated Layer Water Injection Working Barrel
164 箱体自动焊接机床的研制…………………………………………………………………■ 张良
Development of Automatic Machine Tool for Welding Box
170 基于射流的海管悬跨处理方法研究………………………………■ 林守强 叶永彪 齐兵兵 等
Research on Treatment Method of Subsea Pipeline Free Span Based on Water Jetting
机械制造与应用 / Mechanical Manufacture and Application
152 加工普通螺纹产生缺陷的原因分析……………………………………………■ 李成思 刘欣宁
Cause Analysis on the Defect in Processing Normal Thread
154 单轨游览车轨道钢梁制作工艺研究……………………………………………■ 陶庆重 薛伟锋
Research on Manufacturing Technology of Monorail Touring Tracks Steel Beam
157 高温合金材料拉削工艺的研究………………………………………■ 隋胜涛 庞继友 刘军喆
Research on Broaching Process of High Temperature Alloy Material
机械维修与诊断 / Mechanical Academic Communication
162 崇信电厂2×660 MW给水泵组变频改造及振动故障处理…………■ 徐晓峰 田进德 贺博 等
Frequency Conversion and Vibration Fault Treatment of 2×660MW Feed Pump Unit
in Chongxin Power Plant
167 T型管散热器自动焊接系统的故障诊断与维修方案………………………■ 杨筱坤 李丹 张冠
Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance of Automatic Welding System for T Pipe Radiator