机械研究与分析 / Mechanical Research and Analysis
1 面向局部突起的三维网格分割算法研究………………………………………■ 华顺刚 李世皓
Research on the Protrusion-oriented 3D Mesh Segmentation
5 一种新的三阶隐式直接积分法…………………………………………■ 韩江桂 黄家宁 曲贺详
A New Third-order Implicit Direct Integration Method
9 AP1000临时顶盖骨架结构有限元分析…………………………………………■ 刘顺平 曾庆生
Finite Element Analysis of AP1000 Temporary Roof Skeleton Structure
12 基于机器人的自动取件系统的布局设计与优化………………………■ 刘春 杨浩然 薛允成
Layout Design and Optimization of Robot-based Automatic Picking System
14 一种柔索驱动关节控制系统及参数优化研究……………………………■ 朱春涛 段鑫 胡小春
Research on Control System and Parameter Optimization of a Cable Driven Joint
21 基于OpenCV的木材表面缺陷检测系统设计与实验验证…………■ 张发军 明晓杭 宋钰青 等
Design and Experimental Study of Wood Surface Defect Detection System Based on OpenCV
24 基于Marlin固件桌面级SCARA机器人设计………………………■ 吴杨宁 潘建军 蔡港培 等
Design of Desktop SCARA Robot Based on Marlin Firmware
27 基于扩展有限元的齿轮微点蚀模拟分析……………………………■ 潘骏 李旭平 贺青川 等
Gear Micro-Pitting Simulation of Wind Turbine Gearbox Based on Extended Finite Element Method
31 转运罐接料密封装置关键技术研究……………………………………………■ 李玉文 程新泉
Research on Key Technologies of Transfer Tank Sealing Device
34 激光止裂过程中温度场数值模拟研究………………………………………■ 房广雷 蒋玮 王琪
Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field during Laser Crack Arrest
38 某型夹心取力器输入轴断裂原因分析及解决措施…………………………………■ 黄博 陈平
Fracture Causes Analysis of a Sandwich Power Take-off Shaft and Its Solutions
41 一种自适应式类平方根滤波的轿车风挡玻璃融霜区域检测……■ 张鹏飞 王平凯 范秦寅 等
Defrost Zone Detection of Car Windshield Based on an Adaptive Square Root Filter
44 摆动式圆柱凸轮机构的3D凸轮设计法………………………………………■ 罗鑫鑫 贺沅玮
3D Cam Design Method of Oscillating Cylindrical Cam Mechanism
47 基于Abaqus下的格特拉克变速箱箱体模态分析………………………………………■ 李秋芳
Modal Analysis of GETRAG Gear-box Based on Abaqus
50 基于逆向建模的压气机叶片静力学分析……………………………■ 刘贵文 杨书仪 李文 等
Static Analysis of Compressor Blade Based on Inverse Modeling
54 影响MEMS弹簧弹性系数的因素分析…………………………………■ 施博文 吕玉山 仵珍稷
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Elastic Coefficient of MEMS Spring
57 一种刚性与柔性联合驱动的农产品采摘机械手设计……………■ 崔志军 贾江鸣 鲁玉军 等
Design of a Picking Manipulator for Agricultural Products Driven by Rigid and Flexible Combined Driving
60 中型货物拆零机械臂结构设计与运动规划……………………………■ 奚鹏程 黄民 高宏 等
Structural Design and Motion Planning of Disassembling Manipulator for Medium-sized Cargo
64 某型航空发动机地面吞水试验设备技术研究…………………………■ 薛洪科 常鸿雯 刘旭峰
Technical Research on the Ground Water Ingestion Test Equipment of a Certain Type of Aeroengine
66 磨粒有序化排布油石珩磨表面形貌仿真…………………………■ 柴泽琳 吕玉山 孙金升 等
Morphology Simulation of Oilstone Honing Surface Based on Orderly Arrangement of Abrasive Grain
72 汽轮机套装式汽缸套环安装及拆卸方法研究……………………………………………■ 王红海
Research on Installation and Disassembly Method of Steam Turbine Nesting Type Cylinder Ring
74 机床刚度非线性特征与刚度链薄弱环节识别方法研究………………………■ 杨俊杰 杨庆东
Research on Nonlinear Characteristics of Machine Tool Stiffness and Identification Method of Weak Links in Stiffness Chain
78 BTA深孔加工系统横向边界扰动研究……………………………………………■ 张铁恒 霍博义
Research on Transverse Boundary Perturbation of BTA Deep Hole Machining System
81 大型超声速风洞收缩段结构设计与优化分析………………………■ 蔡清青 陈平 虞择斌 等
Structural Design and Optimization Analysis of Large-scale Supersonic Wind Tunnel Contraction Section
84 机器人自适应模糊阻抗控制方法………………………………………■ 徐天雄 刁燕 罗华 等
Adaptive Fuzzy Impedance Control Method for Robot
机械设计与计算 / Mechanical Design and Calculation
88 港口码头固定式气幕围油栏研究及应用设计………………………■ 彭华超 卢金树 陈阳 等
Research and Application Design of Fixed-type Pneumatic Oil Barriers in Port Terminals
92 银杏果剥壳机的设计研究……………………………………………■ 潘嘉鹏 宋伟 刘海宇 等
Design and Research of Ginkgo Nut Sheller
96 自发电温度传感器在渔业机械中应用………………………………■ 周中华 冯武卫 罗准 等
Application of Self-generating Temperature Sensor in Fishing Machinery
99 碟式分离机转鼓自动化分析系统的开发与应用…………………■ 马弘列 魏金峰 罗建军 等
Development and Application of Drum Automation Analysis System for Disc Separator
102 应用同步带实现高速分瓶的运动控制及动力学分析………………■ 纪凯鹏 沈培玉 王聪 等
Motion Control and Dynamic Analysis of High-speed Bottle-grouping using Synchronous Belt
105 深海柱塞泵补偿器优化试验………………………………………………■ 李进 罗柏文 金永平
Optimization Test of Deep Sea Piston Pump Compensator
108 利用改进的氧化法优化多层石墨烯的制备及结构变化…………■ 张翠萍 张鹤千 倪佳彤 等
Preparation and Structural Changes of Multilayer Graphene Obtained by Improved Oxidation Method
110 一种水面漂浮物自动清理机器人结构设计………………………■ 史浩辉 李莉莉 付宗国 等
Structural Design of an Automatic Cleaning Robot for Water Surface Floating Object
113 YB95包装机拉带快换装置的改进设计…………………………………………………■ 于新颖
Improved Design of the Pull Belt Quick Change Device for YB95 Packaging Machine
116 转盘式全自动多功能去核机………………………………………■ 闫文彪 周加文 王世杰 等
Rotary Fully Automatic Multi-function Fruit Destoner
119 提高离心泵综合效率的主要措施……………………………………………………………■ 高涛
Main Measures to Improve the Overall Efficiency of Centrifugal Pumps
122 基于CFD的微型水上无人机起飞性能优化设计…………………………■ 王帅 张兵 张德鑫 等
Optimization Design of Takeoff Performance of Micro Water UAV Based on CFD
125 基于罗克韦尔PAC的直角坐标机器人电气控制系统设计………………■ 钱圳泉 曹锦江 韩东
Electrical Control System Design of Cartesian Coordinate Robot Based on Rockwell PAC
128 金属增材制造工艺与展望……………………………………………………■ 凌人蛟 王姗 陈晖
Research and Development of Metal Additive Manufacturing Technology
131 直升机燃油箱典型飞行姿态下油液晃动仿真研究………………………………………■ 张丽娜
Fuel Tank Slosh Simulation for Helicopter’s Typical Flight Attitudes
134 基于ANSYS Workbench风电叶片根端连接螺柱强度分析……………………■ 庄攀 陈玲 刘杰
Strength Analysis of the Root Connecting Bolt of Wind Turbine Blades Based on ANSYS
137 某弹鼓装置动力学仿真分析………………………………………………………………■ 雷向红
Dynamic Simulation and Analysis of a Cannon Drum
141 适应直升机力学条件的轻型双屏显控台设计………………………………………………■ 杨飞
Design of Light Dual-Screen Display Console for Helicopter Mechanical Conditions
144 风洞天平连接锥参数对升力测量的影响规律研究………………………………■ 刘小波 张钧
Study on the Influence Law of Wind Tunnel Balance Cone Parameters on Lift Force Measurement
149 某高速自由射流风洞扩压器的振动控制研究………………………■ 谢强 虞择斌 孟德红 等
Vibration Control of Diffuser in a High Speed Free Jet Wind Tunnel
153 点阵材料抛物面结构的参数化有限元建模方法及赋形分析…………■ 赵航 张华振 兰澜 等
Parametric Finite Element Modeling Method and Shape Analysis of Lattice Material Parabolic Structure
157 顶驱系统导轨快捷安装装置………………………………………■ 解文芳 雷昊天 郭妍琼 等
Guide Rail Quick Installation Device in Top Drive Drilling System
159 一种双弯曲赋形反射体装配工艺的研究……………………………………■ 梁文忠 张昇 华巍
Research on Assembly Process of Dual Curvature Shaped Reflector
机械制造与应用 / Mechanical Manufacture and Application
163 一种五位两库夹具切换工艺设计与分析……………………………………………………■ 黄诚
Design and Analysis of a Five-position and Two-library Fixture Switching Process
机械维修与诊断 / Mechanical Academic Communication
167 铸铝壳体断裂故障的原因及修复方案的研究………………………………■ 刘莹 赵林 范慧芳
Study on Causes and Repair Scheme of Cast Aluminum Housing Fracture
170 振动检测在轨道车辆齿轮箱故障监测的应用研究………………………………■ 冯自立 赵娟
Application of Vibration Detection in Rail Vehicle Gearbox Fault Monitoring |