机械研究与分析 / Mechanical Research and Analysis
1 小轮为螺旋齿线圆柱齿轮的面齿轮数学模型………………………■ 盛伟 冯占荣 王利霞 等
Face Gear Mathematical Model of the Helical Cylindrical Gear
6 十字型并联机构运动学及动力学分析…………………………………■ 杨继东 王光泽田 苗猛
Kinematics and Dynamics Analysis of a Cruciform Parallel Mechanism
10 煤矿井下综采工作面高压电缆绕“8”字减扭收卷装置研究……………………■ 刘宝 闫荣祥
Research on “8”-shaped Winding Device for High-voltage Cable in Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Face
13 超声振动辅助电弧加工放电间隙智能控制…………………………■ 徐明刚 李旻瑄 高峰 等
Process Gap Intelligent Control of Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Electric Arc Machining
16 基于6LoWPAN的无线振动监测传感器网络的研究与应用………■ 赵春华 张毅娜 胡恒星 等
Research and Application of Wireless Vibration Monitoring Sensor Network Based on 6LoWPAN
21 飞轮电池用多孔材料防护壳研究…………………………………………■ 汤双清 刘洋 何俊杰
Study on the Protective Case of Porous Material for Flywheel Battery
25 250 000 t矿砂船高压岸电系统设计……………………………………………■ 冯木易 单海校
Design of High Voltage Shore Power System in 250 000 DWT Ore Carrier
28 某台600 MW汽轮机叶片静频测试及振动安全性分析………………■ 倪秋华 高伟 张华芳 等
Static Frequency Test and Vibration Safety Analysis of a 600 MW Steam Turbine Blade
31 旋转超声辅助电弧加工机床设计…………………………………………………■ 刘瑛 刘贵珍
Design of Rotary Ultrasonic Assisted Arc Machining Tool
34 风洞阻尼网受风载的挠度计算…………………………………………■ 朱建平 连克难 赵运武
Deflection Calculation of Wind Tunnel Screen under Wind Load
36 某机床床身残余应力仿真分析研究………………………………………■ 马钊 杨庆东 高秀慧
Residual Stress Simulation Analysis of a Machine Tool Bed
39 单向移动门式启闭机门架结构的有限元分析……………………………………■ 严庆 罗金良
Finite Element Analysis of Portal Frame Structure for One-way Mobile Door Hoist
41 基于MATLAB & SolidWorks的曲柄下料机构运动仿真研究………………■ 金映丽 沈竹楠 杨畅
Study on the Motion Simulation of the Crank Blanking Mechanism Based on Matlab & Solidworks
44 基于边缘轮廓特征的变电站GIS典型缺陷检测……………………………■ 杜晨 侯悦民 张伟
Typical Defect Detection of Substation GIS Based on Edge Profile Feature
46 十字轴万向节的拓扑优化和疲劳分析…………………………………………■ 孙新东 刘广璞
Topology Optimization and Fatigue Analysis of the Cross Shaft Universal Joint
50 数控铣床定位精度测量及误差补偿研究……………………………………■ 宋超 王湘江 曾超
Research on Measurements and Error Compensations of the Positional Accuracy for NC Milling Machine
54 一种圆柱式机械手平台的振动特性分析……………………………■ 周荣 董学莲 雷玉勇 等
Analysis on Vibration Characteristics of a Cylindrical Manipulator Platform
58 一种降低安全阀活塞杆与剪销板接触强度的结构设计……………■ 李永飞 王军伟 唐文 等
Structural Design for Reducing the Contact Strength between Piston Rod and Shear Pin Plate of Safety Valve
60 冲击载荷下偏心夹持性能分析…………………………………………■ 张明松 王鑫 王瑶 等
Research on Eccentric Clamping Capability under Vibration Conditions
64 减振器对冲击作用下电路板动态响应的影响……………………………………■ 马培栋 何玲
Influence of Shock Absorber on Dynamic Response of Circuit Board under Impact
67 铰链有磨损时飞机舱门的运动可靠性研究………………………■ 周姿言 赵全越 王珊珊 等
Research on Motion Reliability of Aircraft Cabin Doors with Hinge Wear
72 外骨骼机械腿的设计与研究……………………………………………■ 刘元旭 张晨 汪浩 等
Design and Research of Exoskeleton Machine Legs
74 不同强度理论下自紧身管强度数值仿真………………………………■ 杜中华 吴大林 刘海平
Numerical Simulation of Self-tightening Tube Strength Based on Different Strength Theories
77 基于Arduino的电动汽车可移动充电装置设计………………………■ 何凡升 魏上程 王路 等
Design of Mobile Charging Device for Electric Vehicle Based on Arduino
80 基于改进的经验小波变换的转子故障信号处理研究………………■ 田富国 汪庆华 贾康 等
Study on Rotors Fault Signal Based on Improved Empirical Wavelet Transform
83 基于Femap With Nastran的桁架式门式起重机结构优化………………………■ 林利芬 肖浩
Structural Optimization of the Truss Type Portal Crane Based on Femap With Nastran
85 异步冷轧辊系非线性振动研究……………………………………………………■ 李冲 张铁恒
Research on Nonlinear Vibration of Asynchronous Cold Rolling System
88 核主泵叶轮根部圆角大小对叶轮的振动、强度及刚度的影响…■ 田浩宇 陈传富 洪子方 等
Influence of Nuclear Main Pump Impeller Root Fillet Size on Vibration, Strength and Stiffness of Impeller
90 水面垃圾清理船的性能仿真分析……………………………………■ 吴双 李暐昊 刘子仪 等
Performance Simulation Analysis of Surface Garbage Cleaning Ship
94 船舶轴承负荷测量方法的误差分析及应对策略…………………■ 张鹏飞 温小飞 杨港豪 等
Error Analysis & Countermeasures for Test Method of Marine Bearing Load
机械设计与计算 / Mechanical Design and Calculation
97 NOV 240 HEX型泥浆泵液力端常见失效分析………………………………………………■ 魏松
Common Failure Analysis on Hydraulic End of NOV 240 HEX Mud Pump
100 光电式Z轴设定器在刀具长度相对测量的应用…………………………………………■ 洪美琴
Application of Photoelectric Z-axis Setter in Relative Measurement of Tool Length
102 偏心对卷扬减速机轴线变动的分析及改进措施…………………………………………■ 丁虽要
Influence Analysis of Eccentricity on the Axis Variation of Hoist Reducer and Improvement Measures
105 舵机刚度测试系统的设计与仿真……………………………………………………………■ 曲姣
Design and Simulation of a Steering Engine’s Stiffness Test System
109 通用门式起重机应力测试与数据处理研究…………………………■ 丁亮 罗计委 陈卓林 等
Research on Stress Test and Data Processing of General Gantry Crane
112 600 MW亚临界汽轮机高压加热器疏水运行故障分析与对策…………■ 张学利 赵晓军 解伟军
Drain Failure Analysis and Countermeasures of High Pressure Heater in 600 MW Subcritical Steam Turbine
115 航空发动机电缆绝缘检测技术研究…………………………………………………………■ 张霄
Research on Insulation Detection Technology of Aero Engine Cable
118 高线集卷站盘卷倾翻液压缸的改造…………………………………………………………■ 陈晓
Hydraulic Cylinder Reformation of Coil turnover Device in Coil Collection Station of High Speed Wire-rolling Mill
120 石油钻机集成化操作系统研究与工业应用………………………■ 朱长军 魏培静 杨双业 等
Research and Industrial Application of Integrated Operation System for Oil Rig
123 210 t转炉除尘管道施工方法研究…………………………………………………■ 曾求洪 肖春
Research on Construction Method of Dust Precipitation Pipeline for 210t Converter
125 快装小车在发动机实验室台架上的设计应用………………………■ 刘世锋 毛开清 吕林 等
Design and Application of Quick-loading Trolley on Engine Lab Bench
128 大直径海底软管铺设新工艺研究…………………………………………………………■ 吴业旺
Study on the New Process of Large-diameter Subsea Flexible Pipe Laying
130 基于俄罗斯标准的罐车车体有限元分析…………………………………………………■ 禹海燕
Finite Element Analysis of Tank Car Body Based on Russian Standard
133 基于magnet的磁阻永磁齿轮结构形状有限元仿真研究………………………■ 韩加佳 韩俊豪
FE Simulation Research on the Shape of Reluctance Permanent Magnet Gear Based on Magnet
136 某型机副翼调整片机构运动分析研究……………………………………………■ 白宏伟 杨昊
Motion Analysis on Aileron Tab Mechanism of a Certain Aircraft
139 基于免疫神经网络的双缸液压机同步PID控制…………………………■ 李栓柱 李登攀 李灿
Double-Cylinder Hydraulic Press Synchronous PID Control Based on Immune Neutral Network Algorithm
143 钻井泵用灌注增压泵开启时机的探讨………………………………■ 周小明 李华川 田占川 等
Discussion on the Opening Timing of Supercharge Pump for Drilling Pump
146 基于摆动导杆式抽油机的导轨选型及强度分析………………………■ 张春琳 唐道临 南振江
Beam Selection and Strength Analysis of Swing Crank-slide Bar Beam Pumping Unit
153 蒸汽发生器管板疲劳分析中若干影响因素的分析………………………■ 刘畅 邓晶晶 梁星筠
Analysis on Several Influencing Factors in Fatigue Analysis of Steam Generator Tube Sheet
157 一种用于安装航天测控设备的万用插箱……………………………………………………■ 古勇
A Kind of Universal Subrack used for Installing Space TT&C Equipment
164 顶张式立管液压连接器密封结构承载能力分析……………………■ 刘义勇 王立权 陈函 等
Bearing Capacity Analysis on the Seal Structure of Hydraulic Connectors in a Top Tensioned Riser
机械制造与应用 / Mechanical Manufacture and Application
149 倒角几何特征数控编程………………………………………………■ 姚志强 田苗苗 郭辉 等
Numerical Control Programming of Chamfering Geometric Features
151 锥面轴的数控车削加工与编程………………………………………………■ 焦红卫 张玲 高淼
NC Turning Machining and Programming of Conical Shaft
159 基于小型结构件的仿真加工技术…………………………………………■ 张亮 落海伟 张春 等
Simulation Processing Technology Based on Small Structural Parts
162 大尺寸螺纹孔******加工工艺研究…………………………………………………■ 李洪贺 康政
Research on High Efficiency Machining Process of Large Size Thread Hole
168 提高某型号起落架分流头壳体加工效率方法研究……………………■ 许锋国 郭辉 杨森 等
Improving the Processing Efficiency of a Type of Landing Gear Distributor Shell
机械维修与诊断 / Mechanical Academic Communication
170 飞附机匣密封形式及漏油故障的研究………………………………………■ 刘莹 范慧芳 赵林
Research on the Aircraft Accessories Sealing Form and Oil Leakage Fault |