机械研究与分析 / Mechanical Research and Analysis
1 注塑机开模过程液压冲击与振动测试分析………………………■ 康献民 钟祺彬 谭艳雄 等
Test and Analysis of Hydraulic Shock Vibration in Opening Process of an Injection Molding Machine
5 基于Fluent高速列车齿轮箱泄漏量的数值分析……………………■ 汪凯 冷乔立 赵佩宁 等
Numerical Analysis on Gearbox Leakage of High Speed Train Based on FLUENT
8 基于ROS的全向巡检机器人底盘ARM控制器设计……………………■ 韩雪 李有为 张忠 等
ARM Controller Design for Omni-Patrol Robot Chassis Based on ROS
10 8字绕障无碳小车的结构设计与分析…………………………………■ 赵春华 陈小甜 李谦 等
Structural Design and Analysis of 8-shaped Obstacle-free Carbon-free Trolley
13 老龄VLCC海上储油风险的多层模糊综合评价……………………………■ 李源 秦北辰 朱发新
Multi-level Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Aging VLCC Offshore Oil Storage Risk
17 矿场集输原油处理过程VOCs排放量计算……………………………■ 刘洋 王北福 周靖也 等
Calculation of VOCs Emission during Crude Oil Processing
20 基于OpenMV的智能搬运车型机器人的设计………………………■ 施敏虎 栗云鹏 庄曙东 等
Design of Intelligent Handling Tracking Car Based on OpenMv
23 机床工作台模态分析及拓扑优化…………………………………………■ 陈丁 康献民 余为洲
Modal Analysis and Topology Optimization of Machine Tool Table
26 基于Fluent的泥浆脉冲发生器冲蚀磨损规律研究…………………………………………■ 王哲
Study on Erosion and Wear Law of Mud Pulse Generator Based on Fluent
29 基于Python的木板条纹与颜色检测系统………………………………………………■ 宋钰青
Wooden Board Stripe and Color Detection System Based on Python
32 6-UPS并联机器人运动反解误差建模及补偿………………………………………■ 李帅 张学科
Modeling and Compensation of Motion Reverse Solution Error of 6-UPS Parallel Robot
34 一种电缆检测机器人的结构设计与分析………………………………■ 石柯 夏斌 卞庆隆 等
Structural Design and Analysis of a Cable Inspection Robot
37 基于ANSYS的平地机前车架动态性能分析…………………………………■ 宁凡 于明 赵坚 等
Dynamic Performance Analysis on the Front Frame of the Grader Based on ANSYS
39 基于MCGS鲳鱼自动变频分拣传送系统……………………………………………■ 梁博 张存喜
MCGS-based Automatic Frequency Conversion and Sorting Transmission System for Silvery Pomfret
43 圆弧开合式临时顶盖结构设计………………………………………■ 杨欢 冯栋彦 张新雨 等
Structural Design of Arc Opening and Closing Type Temporary Roof
46 光学瞄准镜镜身关键工序夹具优化设计…………………………………■ 沈伟平 王成 贾超凡
Optimum Design of Fixture for Key Procedures of Optical Sight Body
机械设计与计算 / Mechanical Design and Calculation
51 衬套旋塞阀开关力矩的影响因素及计算研究……………………………………………■ 周长宝
Affecting Factors and Calculation of Switching Torque of Bushing Plug Valve
53 高速列车线缆组件三维建模标准研究………………………………………■ 王栋 高思军 马力
Research on Three-dimensional Modeling Standard for Cable Assembly of High-Speed Trains
57 家用空调室外机抗飓风支架的设计校核及分析…………………………………………■ 鲁文喜
Design Check and Analysis of Anti-hurricane Bracket for Outdoor Air Conditioner
60 智能恶臭测定仪嗅杯转动装置改进设计……………………………………………………■ 刘杰
Improved Design of the Olfactory Cup Rotating Device in an Intelligent Stink Analyzer
62 熔融堆积快速成型室结构设计与数值模拟………………………………■ 刘亚洁 何冰 陈鹏飞
Structural Design and Numerical Simulation of FDM Molding Chamber
66 海上浮动核电站检修临时起重支架计算……………………………………………■ 梁魁 徐楚
Calculation of Temporary Lifting Brackets for Maintenance of Offshore Floating Nuclear Power Plants
68 双摆头型五轴数控机床的坐标变换关系研究……………………………………■ 王馨 李宪辉
Research on Coordinate Transformation Relationship of Double Pendulum Head Five-axis CNC Machine
71 某型直升机农林喷洒系统性能分析…………………………………■ 梁伟 管华盛 张裕兵 等
Performance Analysis of a Helicopter Agriculture and Forestry Spraying System
74 修井铁钻工自动找中关键技术研究…………………………………………………………■ 赵勇
Research on Key Technologies of Automatic Centring for Workover Iron Roughneck
76 水下液压连接器弯曲载荷试验装置设计………………………………■ 侯晓东 虞文 沈勇 等
Design of Bending Load Test Device for Underwater Hydraulic Connector
79 孔位置度******补偿加工技术……………………………………………■ 袁祥祥 姚辉 李昂 等
Accurate Compensation Processing Technology of Hole Position
82 基于回归分析法的光伏发电功率预测模型研究……………………………■ 姚宁 周力民 陈城
Research on Prediction Model of Photovoltaic Power Based on Regression Analysis
85 PRT安装技术研究……………………………………………………■ 齐兵兵 曲有杰 朱国侨 等
Research on PRT Installation Technique
88 基于VTS雷达的波导裂缝天线结构方案设计………………………………………■ 李成 丁飞
Structure Scheme Design of Waveguide Slot Antenna Based on VTS Rada
90 某飞机主起落架上位锁间隙检测装置的改进设计……………………■ 白亚玲 胡阿林 樊智敏
Improvement of Uplock Multiple Gap Detecting Device and Beneficial Effect of Uplock Assembly Process
92 鹅颈铰链设计要点研究……………………………………………………………■ 牛福春 刘旭
Research on the Key Design Points of Gooseneck Hinge Assembly
95 基于UG的一种螺旋清角编程方法………………………………………■ 李春刚 郭辉 沈勇 等
A Kind of Spiral Scrap Chopper Programming Method Based on UG
97 一种风电联轴器胀紧套强度校核方法……………………………■ 王习林 秦中正 胡伟辉 等
Strength Check Method for Expansion Sleeve of Wind Turbine Coupling
100 基于多级基准坐标系的车身偏差诊断方法研究…………………………………………■ 李正平
Research on Diagnosis Method of Car Body Deviation Based on Multi-level Reference Coordinate System
103 基于MATLAB软件的机电悬挂连杆机构的运动学分析………………■ 段国柱 宋慧新 陈宇 等
Kinematics Analysis of Mechatronic Suspension Linkages Based on MATLAB Software
105 自由形状基准特征部件几何尺寸与公差基准系创建规则初探…………………………■ 田立群
Study on Creating Rule of Free-form Datum Feature Parts Geometric Dimensions and Tolerance
Datum System
107 电动机驱动器行星架的结构优化……………………………………………………………■ 胡涛
Structural Optimization of Planetary Carrier of Motor Actuator
110 新型机载显示器模块化设计研究………………………………………………■ 封振 王磊 官权
Research on Modular Design of New Airborne Display
112 一种基于变频驱动的新型紧链装置设计……………………………………………………■ 涂伟
Design of a New Tight Chain Device Based on Variable Frequency Drive
114 基于NX NASTRAN的医用X光机C臂有限元分析……………………■ 王洪亮 刘倩 顾宸嘉 等
Finite Element Analysis on C-arm of Medical X-ray Machine Based on NX NASTRAN
117 应用MS Excel求解三参数威布尔分布函数的参数估计………………■ 刘子娟 郑学斌 郭小军
Parameter Estimation of Three-Parameter Weibull Distribution Function Using MS Excel
120 煤矿起重机吊重防摆控制研究…………………………………………■ 张桂欣 胡相捧 李雪伟
Research on Anti-swing Control of Coal Mine Crane
122 平台化设计在商用空调冷水机组产品设计中的应用…………………………■ 陈宾宾 徐燕华
Platform Design in Commercial Air-conditioning Chiller Products
125 100%低地板轻轨车辆齿轮箱输出轴密封设计及试验验证……………………■ 侯建文 张会杰
Design and Test Verification of Gearbox Output Shaft Seal for 100% Low Floor Light Rail Vehicle
128 基于ANSYS的汽轮发电机转轴的过盈配合分析……………………………■ 黄鹏 任倢 张金华
Analysis on Interference Fit of Turbo Generator Shaft Based on ANSYS
131 基于有限元法的空调换热管的塑性失稳分析……………………………………………■ 岳建军
Analysis of Plastic Instability of Air-conditioning Heat Exchange Tubes Based on Finite Element Method
机械制造与应用 / Mechanical Manufacture and Application
134 利用NX表达式功能对曲柄销盘参数化建模与数控编程…………■ 付跃飞 吴红琼 熊永钊 等
Parametric Modeling and NC Programming for Crank Pin Ring Using Expression Function in UG NX
137 高速盘端盖成型工艺技术及装备研究……………………………■ 吕明晓 于在洋 侯建永 等
Research on Forming Technology and Equipment of High-speed Disk End Cap
140 电主轴后培林座铣床加工工艺分析和夹具设计…………………………………………■ 曾福辉
Milling Process Analysis and Fixture Design of Rear Bearing Base in Electric Spindle
142 卧式车床加工中产生波纹的原因分析及解决对策……………………………………■ 何思琦
Cause Analysis and Countermeasure of Ripples in Horizontal Lathe Processing
145 六自由度机器人叶片剖光研究……………………………………………………■ 王刚 赵尚福
Research on Blade Polishing by using 6-DOF Robot
机械维修与诊断 / Mechanical Academic Communication
148 模流分析在塑件翘曲成因分析中的应用………………………………………■ 林国汉 王小龙
Analysis and Structural Optimization of Warpage of Plastic Parts Based on Mold Flow Analysis
151 某型燃气轮机起动超温故障原因分析………………………………■ 曾可卉 唐瑞 曹云鹏 等
Analysis on an Over-temperature Fault of Gas Turbine
154 撬装式压缩机万向联轴器的断裂失效分析…………………………■ 徐春华 张鹤 孙奎峰 等
Fracture Failure Analysis of Universal Coupling of Skid-mounted Compressor |