机械研究与分析 / Mechanical Research and Analysis
1 水平旋转搂草机弹齿运动学分析……………………………………■ 杜韧 赵忠贤 李佳栋 等
Kinematics Analysis on Elastic Tooth of Horizontal Rotating Rake
4 一种上肢康复机器人机械臂的结构优化分析……………………………………■ 柳海瑞 王钰
Structural Optimization Analysis of an Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robot Manipulator
7 基于激光跟踪仪的工装调装检测技术研究………………………………………■ 王巍 陈泽宇
Research on Tooling Adjustment and Detection Technology Based on Laser Tracker
10 甘油作非溶剂制备PEI中空纤维膜的微观形貌分析………………………………■ 刘洋 王北福
Micromorphology Analysis of PEI Hollow Fiber Membrane Prepared by Glycerol as Non-solvent
14 海浪能潮汐能双模式发电装置设计与研究…………………………■ 孔凡国 张健存 刘庆 等
Design and Research of Wave Energy Tidal Energy Dual Mode Power Generation Device
18 基于ANSYS的某航空活塞发动机凸轮轴模态分析……………………………■ 魏武国 冯浩阳
Modal Analysis of an Aviation Piston Engine Camshaft Based on ANSYS
20 平地机铲刀的动力学特性分析……………………………………………■ 刘聪 于明 赵坚 等
Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Grader Blade
23 西门子系统R参数在非连续函数曲线编程中应用…………………………………………■ 卞迪
Application of Siemens System R parameter in Discontinuous Function Curve Programming
25 SiCp/Al复合材料振动辅助研抛数值模拟的研究………………………■ 刘亚梅 冯洁 谷岩 等
Research on Numerical Simulation of Composite Materials Vibration Assisted Polishing
30 内燃叉车噪声污染及降噪技术研究………………………………■ 褚东亮 阮荣慧 孙卫华 等
Research on Noise Pollution and Control Technology of Internal Combustion Forklift
33 基于RGB-D传感器的同步定位与建图方法研究…………………■ 周梦妮 张国伟 卢秋红 等
Research on Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Method Based on RGB-D Sensor
37 一种链板式零件的气动可调铣削夹具……………………………………………■ 晁瑞 李志峰
Pneumatic Adjustable Milling Jig for Chain Plate Type Parts
40 基于DEFORM-3D液压剪剪切棒料剪切质量影响因素的研究………………■ 李彬彬 傅波 卫平
Research on Influence Factors of Bars Shear Quality Using Hydraulic Shear Based on DEFORM-3D
43 联接螺栓对鼓筒转子临界转速影响的研究………………………■ 刘元周 宋志佳 曹庆宇 等
Research on the Influence of Bolted Connection on the Critical Speed of Drum Rotor
45 平地机驾驶舱动力学特性研究…………………………………………■ 王志斌 于明 赵坚 等
Finite Element Vibration Analysis and Structural Optimization of Grader Cockpit
47 液压凿岩机双缓冲机构动力学的仿真分析………………………………………■ 阳复建 刘忠
Dynamics Simulation Analysis on Double Buffer Mechanism of Hydraulic Rock Drill
49 燃气轮机传动箱超扭保护器故障分析…………………………………■ 胡盼 唐瑞 曹云鹏 等
Failure Analysis of Gas Turbine Transmission Box Overtorque Protector
52 65Mn弹簧钢表面激光淬火的显微组织及性能研究…………………■ 杜成明 朱锦云 杨振 等
Study on Laser Quenched Surface Microstructure and Properties of 65Mn Spring Steel
54 3000 hp丛式井钻机导轨双向移运技术研究……………………………■ 于浩 张虎山 张鹏 等
Research on Two-way Guide Rail Moving of 3000 hp Cluster Well Rig
57 核辐射环境下机器人末端快换装置的设计………………………………………■ 唐瑞瑞 刘永霞
Design of Robot End Quick Change Device under Nuclear Radiation Environment
机械设计与计算 / Mechanical Design and Calculation
59 整车匹配检具(TAC)的发展……………………………………………………………■ 沈忠民
Development of Total Assembly Checking Fixture
64 基于断裂韧性可靠性模型的堆芯筒体快断评价…………………■ 石凯凯 刘文进 郑连刚 等
Fast Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of Beltline Considering Reliability Models of Fracture Toughness
66 基于原机结构的机身大开口补强设计……………………………………………■ 颜凯 鲜章林
Reinforcement Design for Large Opening of Original Fuselage Structure
69 无人机视觉定位与避障子系统研究…………………………………………………………■ 林涛
Research on Vision Location and Obstacle Avoidance Subsystem of UAV
71 中速柴油机活塞销的结构设计……………………………………………………■ 赵飞 史乃祥
Structure Design for Medium Speed Engine’s Piston Pin
74 机电设备安装与调试的“匠心”实践教学………………………………………………■ 陈青艳
Ingenuity Creative Practice Teaching of Installation and Debugging for Mechanical and Electrical Equipment
76 基于VERICUT的塑料薄膜生产线铗体加工工艺优化………………………………………■ 宋强
Manufacturing Optimization of Tongs Body in Plastic Film Production Line Based on VERICUT
79 核电站阀门抗震分析与计算………………………………………………………………■ 周长宝
Anti-seismic Analysis and Calculation of Nuclear Power Plant Valves
81 软态TP2铜材室温抗拉强度的概率分布…………………………………■ 张红卫 杨帆 刘岑 等
Probability Distribution of Soft State TP2 Copper Tensile Strength at Room Temperature
86 基于SolidWorks的切割机转轴有限元分析…………………………………………………■ 周琦
Finite Element Analysis of Cutting Machine Spindle Based on SolidWorks
88 平动机构在烟草机械中的应用……………………………………………………………■ 吴晓飞
Application of Translational Mechanisms in Tobacco Machinery
90 尺寸数据报警的创新设计…………………………………………………………………■ 李正平
Innovative Exploration on Dimension Data Alarming System Design
93 垃圾发电汽轮机甩负荷失败分析与系统优化…………………………………■ 李想 张雪 曹兵
Failure Analysis and System Optimization of Garbage Power Turbine Load Rejection
96 轴承安装与固定的工艺参数研究………………………………………■ 李春刚 郭辉 沈勇 等
Research on Technological Parameters of Bearing Installation and Fixing
98 长庆苏里格油田区块在役钻机移运方案设计………………………■ 张赢斌 侯敏 黄许澎 等
Rail-type Integral Movement Solution Design of In-service Rig at Changqing Sulige Oil Field
102 基于AMESim的钢丝绳式隔水管张紧系统仿真分析…………………■ 李欢 郑万里 樊春明 等
AMESim-based Study on Analysis and Simulation of Steel Cable Riser Tensioning System
105 基于DNVGL-ST-E273的深水预调试模块结构设计…………………■ 石锦坤 张艺凡 刘毅 等
Structural Design of Deepwater Pre-Debug Module Based on DNVGL-ST-E273
108 松软低透煤层高压水射流破煤增透技术研究……………………………………■ 梁建明 吴琼
Study on Breaking Coal and Coal Permeability Enhancement Technology of Medium and High Pressure Water Jet in Soft and Low Permeability Coal Seam
111 一种轻型高速料箱堆垛机的开发与应用…………………………………■ 傅友宾 纪然 陈仕彬
Development and Application of a Lightweight High-speed Bin Stacker
113 基于MASTA软件的齿轮啸叫分析与解决方法……………………………………………■ 王炳善
Analysis and Solution of Gear Whine Based on MASTA Software
116 跨越式电动平板车的设计与应用…………………………………………………………■ 景红涛
Design and Application of Leaping Electric Flatbed
118 顶燃式热风炉的数值模拟研究…………………………………………………■ 黄碧辉 吕遐平
Study on Numerical Simulation of Top Combustion Hot Blast Stove
121 微型泵驱动原理及其在电子设备热管理中的应用…………………………………………■ 吴波
Driving Principle of Micro-pump and Its Application in Thermal Management of Electronic Equipment
123 高温蒸汽管线保温改造方案及经济效益分析………………………………………■ 赵辉 朱鹏
Thermal Insulation Transformation Scheme and Economic Benefit Analysis of High Temperature Steam Pipelines
125 基于平面假设求解风机弹簧减震器支反力………………………………………………■ 张文晓
Support Force Calculation of Fan Spring Shock Absorber Based on Plane Assumption
127 24 m履带自行式仰拱栈桥与半幅仰拱模板联合设计的研究与应用……■ 时安琪 王柏松 武家欣 等
Collaborative Design and Application of 24 m Caterpillar Self-propelled Invert Trestle and Semi-range Invert Formwork
130 基于设计敏度的试验机过渡段结构优化设计…………………………■ 鲜章林 郝琳召 李思潭
Structure Optimization of Experimental Aircraft Transition Section Based on Design Sensitivity
133 车铣复合静压转台的开发………………………………………………………■ 秦建宏 刘锦辉
Development of Turning-milling Composite Hydrostatic Turntable
136 基于嵌入式处理器和LabVIEW的小型无人艇控制系统设计与实验研究………………■ 阚亚雄
Design and Experimental Study of a Small Unmanned Boat Control System Based on Embedded Processors and LabVIEW
142 基于深度确定性策略梯度算法的双轮机器人平衡控制研究……■ 刘胜祥 林群煦 杨智才 等
Balance Control of Two-wheeled Robot Based on Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient
154 剪叉式高空车转向机构结构分析…………………………………………■ 陆进添 刘丹 邓安田
Structural Analysis on Steering Mechanism of Scissor Aerial Work Platform
机械维修与诊断 / Mechanical Academic Communication
61 螺旋输送机减速电动机连接轴的断裂失效分析…………………………………………■ 蔡小亮
Fracture Failure Analysis of Geared Motor’s Connecting Shaft in Screw Conveyor
147 某变速器中间轴齿轮断齿失效分析………………………………■ 李本军 王东霞 崔东伟 等
Broken Gear Failure Analysis of a Transmission Intermediate Shaft Gear
机械制造与应用 / Mechanical Manufacture and Application
139 一种多垫圈少废料冲裁的复合模具…………………………………………………■ 白亚玲
Composite Die with Less Waste Material for Punching Multiple Gasket
145 A/C轴双摆头C轴限位技术研究…………………………………………………■ 梁艳超 王刚
Research on C-axis Limit Technology of A/C Axis Double Pendulum Head
150 两点支撑主轴装配工艺浅析…………………………………………………■ 连改红 孔亚军
Analysis on Assembly Process of Two-point Support Spindle
152 NX在变距螺杆建模及加工中的应用…………………………………………………■ 张洋扬
Application of NX in Modeling and Machining of Variable Pitch Screw |