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  首页 > 往期预览 > 2020-03   第1页 【共1页】


2020年第3期 ( 2020年3月10日出版 )

机械研究与分析 / Mechanical Research and Analysis

1 水平旋转搂草机弹齿运动学分析……………………………………■ 杜韧 赵忠贤 李佳栋 等
Kinematics Analysis on Elastic Tooth of Horizontal Rotating Rake
4 一种上肢康复机器人机械臂的结构优化分析……………………………………■ 柳海瑞 王钰
Structural Optimization Analysis of an Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robot Manipulator
7 基于激光跟踪仪的工装调装检测技术研究………………………………………■ 王巍 陈泽宇
Research on Tooling Adjustment and Detection Technology Based on Laser Tracker
10 甘油作非溶剂制备PEI中空纤维膜的微观形貌分析………………………………■ 刘洋 王北福
Micromorphology Analysis of PEI Hollow Fiber Membrane Prepared by Glycerol as Non-solvent
14 海浪能潮汐能双模式发电装置设计与研究…………………………■ 孔凡国 张健存 刘庆 等
Design and Research of Wave Energy Tidal Energy Dual Mode Power Generation Device
18 基于ANSYS的某航空活塞发动机凸轮轴模态分析……………………………■ 魏武国 冯浩阳
Modal Analysis of an Aviation Piston Engine Camshaft Based on ANSYS
20 平地机铲刀的动力学特性分析……………………………………………■ 刘聪 于明 赵坚 等
Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Grader Blade
23 西门子系统R参数在非连续函数曲线编程中应用…………………………………………■ 卞迪
Application of Siemens System R parameter in Discontinuous Function Curve Programming
25 SiCp/Al复合材料振动辅助研抛数值模拟的研究………………………■ 刘亚梅 冯洁 谷岩 等
Research on Numerical Simulation of Composite Materials Vibration Assisted Polishing
30 内燃叉车噪声污染及降噪技术研究………………………………■ 褚东亮 阮荣慧 孙卫华 等
Research on Noise Pollution and Control Technology of Internal Combustion Forklift
33 基于RGB-D传感器的同步定位与建图方法研究…………………■ 周梦妮 张国伟 卢秋红 等
Research on Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Method Based on RGB-D Sensor
37 一种链板式零件的气动可调铣削夹具……………………………………………■ 晁瑞 李志峰
Pneumatic Adjustable Milling Jig for Chain Plate Type Parts
40 基于DEFORM-3D液压剪剪切棒料剪切质量影响因素的研究………………■ 李彬彬 傅波 卫平
Research on Influence Factors of Bars Shear Quality Using Hydraulic Shear Based on DEFORM-3D
43 联接螺栓对鼓筒转子临界转速影响的研究………………………■ 刘元周 宋志佳 曹庆宇 等
Research on the Influence of Bolted Connection on the Critical Speed of Drum Rotor
45 平地机驾驶舱动力学特性研究…………………………………………■ 王志斌 于明 赵坚 等
Finite Element Vibration Analysis and Structural Optimization of Grader Cockpit
47 液压凿岩机双缓冲机构动力学的仿真分析………………………………………■ 阳复建 刘忠
Dynamics Simulation Analysis on Double Buffer Mechanism of Hydraulic Rock Drill
49 燃气轮机传动箱超扭保护器故障分析…………………………………■ 胡盼 唐瑞 曹云鹏 等
Failure Analysis of Gas Turbine Transmission Box Overtorque Protector
52 65Mn弹簧钢表面激光淬火的显微组织及性能研究…………………■ 杜成明 朱锦云 杨振 等
Study on Laser Quenched Surface Microstructure and Properties of 65Mn Spring Steel
54 3000 hp丛式井钻机导轨双向移运技术研究……………………………■ 于浩 张虎山 张鹏 等
Research on Two-way Guide Rail Moving of 3000 hp Cluster Well Rig
57 核辐射环境下机器人末端快换装置的设计………………………………………■ 唐瑞瑞 刘永霞
Design of Robot End Quick Change Device under Nuclear Radiation Environment

机械设计与计算 / Mechanical Design and Calculation

59 整车匹配检具(TAC)的发展……………………………………………………………■ 沈忠民
Development of Total Assembly Checking Fixture
64 基于断裂韧性可靠性模型的堆芯筒体快断评价…………………■ 石凯凯 刘文进 郑连刚 等
Fast Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of Beltline Considering Reliability Models of Fracture Toughness
66 基于原机结构的机身大开口补强设计……………………………………………■ 颜凯 鲜章林
Reinforcement Design for Large Opening of Original Fuselage Structure
69 无人机视觉定位与避障子系统研究…………………………………………………………■ 林涛
Research on Vision Location and Obstacle Avoidance Subsystem of UAV
71 中速柴油机活塞销的结构设计……………………………………………………■ 赵飞 史乃祥
Structure Design for Medium Speed Engine’s Piston Pin
74 机电设备安装与调试的“匠心”实践教学………………………………………………■ 陈青艳
Ingenuity Creative Practice Teaching of Installation and Debugging for Mechanical and Electrical Equipment
76 基于VERICUT的塑料薄膜生产线铗体加工工艺优化………………………………………■ 宋强
Manufacturing Optimization of Tongs Body in Plastic Film Production Line Based on VERICUT
79 核电站阀门抗震分析与计算………………………………………………………………■ 周长宝
Anti-seismic Analysis and Calculation of Nuclear Power Plant Valves
81 软态TP2铜材室温抗拉强度的概率分布…………………………………■ 张红卫 杨帆 刘岑 等
Probability Distribution of Soft State TP2 Copper Tensile Strength at Room Temperature
86 基于SolidWorks的切割机转轴有限元分析…………………………………………………■ 周琦
Finite Element Analysis of Cutting Machine Spindle Based on SolidWorks
88 平动机构在烟草机械中的应用……………………………………………………………■ 吴晓飞
Application of Translational Mechanisms in Tobacco Machinery
90 尺寸数据报警的创新设计…………………………………………………………………■ 李正平
Innovative Exploration on Dimension Data Alarming System Design
93 垃圾发电汽轮机甩负荷失败分析与系统优化…………………………………■ 李想 张雪 曹兵
Failure Analysis and System Optimization of Garbage Power Turbine Load Rejection
96 轴承安装与固定的工艺参数研究………………………………………■ 李春刚 郭辉 沈勇 等
Research on Technological Parameters of Bearing Installation and Fixing
98 长庆苏里格油田区块在役钻机移运方案设计………………………■ 张赢斌 侯敏 黄许澎 等
Rail-type Integral Movement Solution Design of In-service Rig at Changqing Sulige Oil Field
102 基于AMESim的钢丝绳式隔水管张紧系统仿真分析…………………■ 李欢 郑万里 樊春明 等
AMESim-based Study on Analysis and Simulation of Steel Cable Riser Tensioning System
105 基于DNVGL-ST-E273的深水预调试模块结构设计…………………■ 石锦坤 张艺凡 刘毅 等
Structural Design of Deepwater Pre-Debug Module Based on DNVGL-ST-E273
108 松软低透煤层高压水射流破煤增透技术研究……………………………………■ 梁建明 吴琼
Study on Breaking Coal and Coal Permeability Enhancement Technology of Medium and High Pressure Water Jet in Soft and Low Permeability Coal Seam
111 一种轻型高速料箱堆垛机的开发与应用…………………………………■ 傅友宾 纪然 陈仕彬
Development and Application of a Lightweight High-speed Bin Stacker
113 基于MASTA软件的齿轮啸叫分析与解决方法……………………………………………■ 王炳善
Analysis and Solution of Gear Whine Based on MASTA Software
116 跨越式电动平板车的设计与应用…………………………………………………………■ 景红涛
Design and Application of Leaping Electric Flatbed
118 顶燃式热风炉的数值模拟研究…………………………………………………■ 黄碧辉 吕遐平
Study on Numerical Simulation of Top Combustion Hot Blast Stove
121 微型泵驱动原理及其在电子设备热管理中的应用…………………………………………■ 吴波
Driving Principle of Micro-pump and Its Application in Thermal Management of Electronic Equipment
123 高温蒸汽管线保温改造方案及经济效益分析………………………………………■ 赵辉 朱鹏
Thermal Insulation Transformation Scheme and Economic Benefit Analysis of High Temperature Steam Pipelines
125 基于平面假设求解风机弹簧减震器支反力………………………………………………■ 张文晓
Support Force Calculation of Fan Spring Shock Absorber Based on Plane Assumption
127 24 m履带自行式仰拱栈桥与半幅仰拱模板联合设计的研究与应用……■ 时安琪 王柏松 武家欣 等
Collaborative Design and Application of 24 m Caterpillar Self-propelled Invert Trestle and Semi-range Invert Formwork
130 基于设计敏度的试验机过渡段结构优化设计…………………………■ 鲜章林 郝琳召 李思潭
Structure Optimization of Experimental Aircraft Transition Section Based on Design Sensitivity
133 车铣复合静压转台的开发………………………………………………………■ 秦建宏 刘锦辉
Development of Turning-milling Composite Hydrostatic Turntable
136 基于嵌入式处理器和LabVIEW的小型无人艇控制系统设计与实验研究………………■ 阚亚雄
Design and Experimental Study of a Small Unmanned Boat Control System Based on Embedded Processors and LabVIEW
142 基于深度确定性策略梯度算法的双轮机器人平衡控制研究……■ 刘胜祥 林群煦 杨智才 等
Balance Control of Two-wheeled Robot Based on Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient
154 剪叉式高空车转向机构结构分析…………………………………………■ 陆进添 刘丹 邓安田
Structural Analysis on Steering Mechanism of Scissor Aerial Work Platform

机械维修与诊断 / Mechanical Academic Communication

61 螺旋输送机减速电动机连接轴的断裂失效分析…………………………………………■ 蔡小亮
Fracture Failure Analysis of Geared Motor’s Connecting Shaft in Screw Conveyor
147 某变速器中间轴齿轮断齿失效分析………………………………■ 李本军 王东霞 崔东伟 等
Broken Gear Failure Analysis of a Transmission Intermediate Shaft Gear

机械制造与应用 / Mechanical Manufacture and Application

139 一种多垫圈少废料冲裁的复合模具…………………………………………………■ 白亚玲
Composite Die with Less Waste Material for Punching Multiple Gasket
145 A/C轴双摆头C轴限位技术研究…………………………………………………■ 梁艳超 王刚
Research on C-axis Limit Technology of A/C Axis Double Pendulum Head
150 两点支撑主轴装配工艺浅析…………………………………………………■ 连改红 孔亚军
Analysis on Assembly Process of Two-point Support Spindle
152 NX在变距螺杆建模及加工中的应用…………………………………………………■ 张洋扬
Application of NX in Modeling and Machining of Variable Pitch Screw

本期导读 (2020-02) 更多>>

1 注塑机开模过程液压冲击与振动测试分析…康献民 钟祺彬 谭艳雄 等
Test and Analysis of Hydraulic Shock Vibration in Opening Process of an Injection Molding Machine
5 基于Fluent高速列车齿轮箱泄漏量的数值分析…汪凯 冷乔立 赵佩宁 等
Numerical Analysis on Gearbox Leakage of High Speed Train Based on FLUENT
8 基于ROS的全向巡检机器人底盘ARM控制器设计…韩雪 李有为 张忠 等
ARM Controller Design for Omni-Patrol Robot Chassis Based on ROS
10 8字绕障无碳小车的结构设计与分析…赵春华 陈小甜 李谦 等
Structural Design and Analysis of 8-shaped Obstacle-free Carbon-free Trolley
13 老龄VLCC海上储油风险的多层模糊综合评价…李源 秦北辰 朱发新
Multi-level Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Aging VLCC Offshore Oil Storage Risk
17 矿场集输原油处理过程VOCs排放量计算…刘洋 王北福 周靖也 等
Calculation of VOCs Emission during Crude Oil Processing
20 基于OpenMV的智能搬运车型机器人的设计…施敏虎 栗云鹏 庄曙东 等
Design of Intelligent Handling Tracking Car Based on OpenMv
23 机床工作台模态分析及拓扑优化…陈丁 康献民 余为洲
Modal Analysis and Topology Optimization of Machine Tool Table
26 基于Fluent的泥浆脉冲发生器冲蚀磨损规律研究…王哲
Study on Erosion and Wear Law of Mud Pulse Generator Based on Fluent
29 基于Python的木板条纹与颜色检测系统…宋钰青
Wooden Board Stripe and Color Detection System Based on Python
32 6-UPS并联机器人运动反解误差建模及补偿…李帅 张学科
Modeling and Compensation of Motion Reverse Solution Error of 6-UPS Parallel Robot
34 一种电缆检测机器人的结构设计与分析…石柯 夏斌 卞庆隆 等
Structural Design and Analysis of a Cable Inspection Robot
37 基于ANSYS的平地机前车架动态性能分析…宁凡 于明 赵坚 等
Dynamic Performance Analysis on the Front Frame of the Grader Based on ANSYS
39 基于MCGS鲳鱼自动变频分拣传送系统…梁博 张存喜
MCGS-based Automatic Frequency Conversion and Sorting Transmission System for Silvery Pomfret
43 圆弧开合式临时顶盖结构设计…杨欢 冯栋彦 张新雨 等
Structural Design of Arc Opening and Closing Type Temporary Roof
46 光学瞄准镜镜身关键工序夹具优化设计…沈伟平 王成 贾超凡
Optimum Design of Fixture for Key Procedures of Optical Sight Body
51 衬套旋塞阀开关力矩的影响因素及计算研究…周长宝
Affecting Factors and Calculation of Switching Torque of Bushing Plug Valve
53 高速列车线缆组件三维建模标准研究…王栋 高思军 马力
Research on Three-dimensional Modeling Standard for Cable Assembly of High-Speed Trains
57 家用空调室外机抗飓风支架的设计校核及分析…鲁文喜
Design Check and Analysis of Anti-hurricane Bracket for Outdoor Air Conditioner
60 智能恶臭测定仪嗅杯转动装置改进设计…刘杰
Improved Design of the Olfactory Cup Rotating Device in an Intelligent Stink Analyzer
62 熔融堆积快速成型室结构设计与数值模拟…刘亚洁 何冰 陈鹏飞
Structural Design and Numerical Simulation of FDM Molding Chamber
66 海上浮动核电站检修临时起重支架计算…梁魁 徐楚
Calculation of Temporary Lifting Brackets for Maintenance of Offshore Floating Nuclear Power Plants
68 双摆头型五轴数控机床的坐标变换关系研究…王馨 李宪辉
Research on Coordinate Transformation Relationship of Double Pendulum Head Five-axis CNC Machine
71 某型直升机农林喷洒系统性能分析…梁伟 管华盛 张裕兵 等
Performance Analysis of a Helicopter Agriculture and Forestry Spraying System
74 修井铁钻工自动找中关键技术研究…赵勇
Research on Key Technologies of Automatic Centring for Workover Iron Roughneck
76 水下液压连接器弯曲载荷试验装置设计…侯晓东 虞文 沈勇 等
Design of Bending Load Test Device for Underwater Hydraulic Connector
79 孔位置度******补偿加工技术…袁祥祥 姚辉 李昂 等
Accurate Compensation Processing Technology of Hole Position
82 基于回归分析法的光伏发电功率预测模型研究…姚宁 周力民 陈城
Research on Prediction Model of Photovoltaic Power Based on Regression Analysis
85 PRT安装技术研究…齐兵兵 曲有杰 朱国侨 等
Research on PRT Installation Technique
88 基于VTS雷达的波导裂缝天线结构方案设计…李成 丁飞
Structure Scheme Design of Waveguide Slot Antenna Based on VTS Rada
90 某飞机主起落架上位锁间隙检测装置的改进设计…白亚玲 胡阿林 樊智敏
Improvement of Uplock Multiple Gap Detecting Device and Beneficial Effect of Uplock Assembly Process
92 鹅颈铰链设计要点研究…牛福春 刘旭
Research on the Key Design Points of Gooseneck Hinge Assembly
95 基于UG的一种螺旋清角编程方法…李春刚 郭辉 沈勇 等
A Kind of Spiral Scrap Chopper Programming Method Based on UG
97 一种风电联轴器胀紧套强度校核方法…王习林 秦中正 胡伟辉 等
Strength Check Method for Expansion Sleeve of Wind Turbine Coupling
100 基于多级基准坐标系的车身偏差诊断方法研究…李正平
Research on Diagnosis Method of Car Body Deviation Based on Multi-level Reference Coordinate System
103 基于MATLAB软件的机电悬挂连杆机构的运动学分析…段国柱 宋慧新 陈宇 等
Kinematics Analysis of Mechatronic Suspension Linkages Based on MATLAB Software
105 自由形状基准特征部件几何尺寸与公差基准系创建规则初探…田立群
Study on Creating Rule of Free-form Datum Feature Parts Geometric Dimensions and Tolerance
Datum System
107 电动机驱动器行星架的结构优化…胡涛
Structural Optimization of Planetary Carrier of Motor Actuator
110 新型机载显示器模块化设计研究…封振 王磊 官权
Research on Modular Design of New Airborne Display
112 一种基于变频驱动的新型紧链装置设计…涂伟
Design of a New Tight Chain Device Based on Variable Frequency Drive
114 基于NX NASTRAN的医用X光机C臂有限元分析…王洪亮 刘倩 顾宸嘉 等
Finite Element Analysis on C-arm of Medical X-ray Machine Based on NX NASTRAN
117 应用MS Excel求解三参数威布尔分布函数的参数估计…刘子娟 郑学斌 郭小军
Parameter Estimation of Three-Parameter Weibull Distribution Function Using MS Excel
120 煤矿起重机吊重防摆控制研究…张桂欣 胡相捧 李雪伟
Research on Anti-swing Control of Coal Mine Crane
122 平台化设计在商用空调冷水机组产品设计中的应用…陈宾宾 徐燕华
Platform Design in Commercial Air-conditioning Chiller Products
125 100%低地板轻轨车辆齿轮箱输出轴密封设计及试验验证…侯建文 张会杰
Design and Test Verification of Gearbox Output Shaft Seal for 100% Low Floor Light Rail Vehicle
128 基于ANSYS的汽轮发电机转轴的过盈配合分析…黄鹏 任倢 张金华
Analysis on Interference Fit of Turbo Generator Shaft Based on ANSYS
131 基于有限元法的空调换热管的塑性失稳分析…岳建军
Analysis of Plastic Instability of Air-conditioning Heat Exchange Tubes Based on Finite Element Method
134 利用NX表达式功能对曲柄销盘参数化建模与数控编程…付跃飞 吴红琼 熊永钊 等
Parametric Modeling and NC Programming for Crank Pin Ring Using Expression Function in UG NX
137 高速盘端盖成型工艺技术及装备研究…吕明晓 于在洋 侯建永 等
Research on Forming Technology and Equipment of High-speed Disk End Cap
140 电主轴后培林座铣床加工工艺分析和夹具设计…曾福辉
Milling Process Analysis and Fixture Design of Rear Bearing Base in Electric Spindle
142 卧式车床加工中产生波纹的原因分析及解决对策…何思琦
Cause Analysis and Countermeasure of Ripples in Horizontal Lathe Processing
145 六自由度机器人叶片剖光研究…王刚 赵尚福
Research on Blade Polishing by using 6-DOF Robot
148 模流分析在塑件翘曲成因分析中的应用…林国汉 王小龙
Analysis and Structural Optimization of Warpage of Plastic Parts Based on Mold Flow Analysis
151 某型燃气轮机起动超温故障原因分析…曾可卉 唐瑞 曹云鹏 等
Analysis on an Over-temperature Fault of Gas Turbine
154 撬装式压缩机万向联轴器的断裂失效分析…徐春华 张鹤 孙奎峰 等
Fracture Failure Analysis of Universal Coupling of Skid-mounted Compressor

下期预告 (2020-03) 更多>>

1 水平旋转搂草机弹齿运动学分析…杜韧 赵忠贤 李佳栋 等
Kinematics Analysis on Elastic Tooth of Horizontal Rotating Rake
4 一种上肢康复机器人机械臂的结构优化分析…柳海瑞 王钰
Structural Optimization Analysis of an Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robot Manipulator
7 基于激光跟踪仪的工装调装检测技术研究…王巍 陈泽宇
Research on Tooling Adjustment and Detection Technology Based on Laser Tracker
10 甘油作非溶剂制备PEI中空纤维膜的微观形貌分析…刘洋 王北福
Micromorphology Analysis of PEI Hollow Fiber Membrane Prepared by Glycerol as Non-solvent
14 海浪能潮汐能双模式发电装置设计与研究…孔凡国 张健存 刘庆 等
Design and Research of Wave Energy Tidal Energy Dual Mode Power Generation Device
18 基于ANSYS的某航空活塞发动机凸轮轴模态分析…魏武国 冯浩阳
Modal Analysis of an Aviation Piston Engine Camshaft Based on ANSYS
20 平地机铲刀的动力学特性分析…刘聪 于明 赵坚 等
Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Grader Blade
23 西门子系统R参数在非连续函数曲线编程中应用…卞迪
Application of Siemens System R parameter in Discontinuous Function Curve Programming
25 SiCp/Al复合材料振动辅助研抛数值模拟的研究…刘亚梅 冯洁 谷岩 等
Research on Numerical Simulation of Composite Materials Vibration Assisted Polishing
30 内燃叉车噪声污染及降噪技术研究…褚东亮 阮荣慧 孙卫华 等
Research on Noise Pollution and Control Technology of Internal Combustion Forklift
33 基于RGB-D传感器的同步定位与建图方法研究…周梦妮 张国伟 卢秋红 等
Research on Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Method Based on RGB-D Sensor
37 一种链板式零件的气动可调铣削夹具…晁瑞 李志峰
Pneumatic Adjustable Milling Jig for Chain Plate Type Parts
40 基于DEFORM-3D液压剪剪切棒料剪切质量影响因素的研究…李彬彬 傅波 卫平
Research on Influence Factors of Bars Shear Quality Using Hydraulic Shear Based on DEFORM-3D
43 联接螺栓对鼓筒转子临界转速影响的研究…刘元周 宋志佳 曹庆宇 等
Research on the Influence of Bolted Connection on the Critical Speed of Drum Rotor
45 平地机驾驶舱动力学特性研究…王志斌 于明 赵坚 等
Finite Element Vibration Analysis and Structural Optimization of Grader Cockpit
47 液压凿岩机双缓冲机构动力学的仿真分析…阳复建 刘忠
Dynamics Simulation Analysis on Double Buffer Mechanism of Hydraulic Rock Drill
49 燃气轮机传动箱超扭保护器故障分析…胡盼 唐瑞 曹云鹏 等
Failure Analysis of Gas Turbine Transmission Box Overtorque Protector
52 65Mn弹簧钢表面激光淬火的显微组织及性能研究…杜成明 朱锦云 杨振 等
Study on Laser Quenched Surface Microstructure and Properties of 65Mn Spring Steel
54 3000 hp丛式井钻机导轨双向移运技术研究…于浩 张虎山 张鹏 等
Research on Two-way Guide Rail Moving of 3000 hp Cluster Well Rig
57 核辐射环境下机器人末端快换装置的设计…唐瑞瑞 刘永霞
Design of Robot End Quick Change Device under Nuclear Radiation Environment
59 整车匹配检具(TAC)的发展…沈忠民
Development of Total Assembly Checking Fixture
64 基于断裂韧性可靠性模型的堆芯筒体快断评价…石凯凯 刘文进 郑连刚 等
Fast Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of Beltline Considering Reliability Models of Fracture Toughness
66 基于原机结构的机身大开口补强设计…颜凯 鲜章林
Reinforcement Design for Large Opening of Original Fuselage Structure
69 无人机视觉定位与避障子系统研究…林涛
Research on Vision Location and Obstacle Avoidance Subsystem of UAV
71 中速柴油机活塞销的结构设计…赵飞 史乃祥
Structure Design for Medium Speed Engine’s Piston Pin
74 机电设备安装与调试的“匠心”实践教学…陈青艳
Ingenuity Creative Practice Teaching of Installation and Debugging for Mechanical and Electrical Equipment
76 基于VERICUT的塑料薄膜生产线铗体加工工艺优化…宋强
Manufacturing Optimization of Tongs Body in Plastic Film Production Line Based on VERICUT
79 核电站阀门抗震分析与计算…周长宝
Anti-seismic Analysis and Calculation of Nuclear Power Plant Valves
81 软态TP2铜材室温抗拉强度的概率分布…张红卫 杨帆 刘岑 等
Probability Distribution of Soft State TP2 Copper Tensile Strength at Room Temperature
86 基于SolidWorks的切割机转轴有限元分析…周琦
Finite Element Analysis of Cutting Machine Spindle Based on SolidWorks
88 平动机构在烟草机械中的应用…吴晓飞
Application of Translational Mechanisms in Tobacco Machinery
90 尺寸数据报警的创新设计…李正平
Innovative Exploration on Dimension Data Alarming System Design
93 垃圾发电汽轮机甩负荷失败分析与系统优化…李想 张雪 曹兵
Failure Analysis and System Optimization of Garbage Power Turbine Load Rejection
96 轴承安装与固定的工艺参数研究…李春刚 郭辉 沈勇 等
Research on Technological Parameters of Bearing Installation and Fixing
98 长庆苏里格油田区块在役钻机移运方案设计…张赢斌 侯敏 黄许澎 等
Rail-type Integral Movement Solution Design of In-service Rig at Changqing Sulige Oil Field
102 基于AMESim的钢丝绳式隔水管张紧系统仿真分析…李欢 郑万里 樊春明 等
AMESim-based Study on Analysis and Simulation of Steel Cable Riser Tensioning System
105 基于DNVGL-ST-E273的深水预调试模块结构设计…石锦坤 张艺凡 刘毅 等
Structural Design of Deepwater Pre-Debug Module Based on DNVGL-ST-E273
108 松软低透煤层高压水射流破煤增透技术研究…梁建明 吴琼
Study on Breaking Coal and Coal Permeability Enhancement Technology of Medium and High Pressure Water Jet in Soft and Low Permeability Coal Seam
111 一种轻型高速料箱堆垛机的开发与应用…傅友宾 纪然 陈仕彬
Development and Application of a Lightweight High-speed Bin Stacker
113 基于MASTA软件的齿轮啸叫分析与解决方法…王炳善
Analysis and Solution of Gear Whine Based on MASTA Software
116 跨越式电动平板车的设计与应用…景红涛
Design and Application of Leaping Electric Flatbed
118 顶燃式热风炉的数值模拟研究…黄碧辉 吕遐平
Study on Numerical Simulation of Top Combustion Hot Blast Stove
121 微型泵驱动原理及其在电子设备热管理中的应用…吴波
Driving Principle of Micro-pump and Its Application in Thermal Management of Electronic Equipment
123 高温蒸汽管线保温改造方案及经济效益分析…赵辉 朱鹏
Thermal Insulation Transformation Scheme and Economic Benefit Analysis of High Temperature Steam Pipelines
125 基于平面假设求解风机弹簧减震器支反力…张文晓
Support Force Calculation of Fan Spring Shock Absorber Based on Plane Assumption
127 24 m履带自行式仰拱栈桥与半幅仰拱模板联合设计的研究与应用…时安琪 王柏松 武家欣 等
Collaborative Design and Application of 24 m Caterpillar Self-propelled Invert Trestle and Semi-range Invert Formwork
130 基于设计敏度的试验机过渡段结构优化设计…鲜章林 郝琳召 李思潭
Structure Optimization of Experimental Aircraft Transition Section Based on Design Sensitivity
133 车铣复合静压转台的开发…秦建宏 刘锦辉
Development of Turning-milling Composite Hydrostatic Turntable
136 基于嵌入式处理器和LabVIEW的小型无人艇控制系统设计与实验研究…阚亚雄
Design and Experimental Study of a Small Unmanned Boat Control System Based on Embedded Processors and LabVIEW
142 基于深度确定性策略梯度算法的双轮机器人平衡控制研究…刘胜祥 林群煦 杨智才 等
Balance Control of Two-wheeled Robot Based on Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient
154 剪叉式高空车转向机构结构分析…陆进添 刘丹 邓安田
Structural Analysis on Steering Mechanism of Scissor Aerial Work Platform
61 螺旋输送机减速电动机连接轴的断裂失效分析…蔡小亮
Fracture Failure Analysis of Geared Motor’s Connecting Shaft in Screw Conveyor
147 某变速器中间轴齿轮断齿失效分析…李本军 王东霞 崔东伟 等
Broken Gear Failure Analysis of a Transmission Intermediate Shaft Gear
139 一种多垫圈少废料冲裁的复合模具…白亚玲
Composite Die with Less Waste Material for Punching Multiple Gasket
145 A/C轴双摆头C轴限位技术研究…梁艳超 王刚
Research on C-axis Limit Technology of A/C Axis Double Pendulum Head
150 两点支撑主轴装配工艺浅析…连改红 孔亚军
Analysis on Assembly Process of Two-point Support Spindle
152 NX在变距螺杆建模及加工中的应用…张洋扬
Application of NX in Modeling and Machining of Variable Pitch Screw

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