机械研究与分析 / Mechanical Research and Analysis
1 脑瘫患儿爬行训练架设计及分析………………………………………■ 姜吉光 王楚超 张文杰
Design and Analysis of a Parallel-driven Rehabilitation Robot for Children with Cerebral Palsy
4 基于探究式学习的课程教学设计…………………………………………………………■ 袁根华
Curriculum Teaching Design Based on Inquiry-based Learning
7 涡激振动发电装置传动机构优化设计…………………………………■ 王成龙 李佳冀 王文婷
Optimization Design of Drive Mechanism for VIV Power Generator
9 面向复杂工况的板翅式换热器封头与翅片性能协调设计…………■ 彭翔 李登洪 姜少飞 等
Performance Coordination Design of Inlet Header and Fin in Plate Fin Heat Exchanger for Complex Operation Conditions
13 ROV吸泥技术研究…………………………………………………………………………■ 齐兵兵
Research on Mud Suction Technology by ROV
15 数控机床丝杠的错流内冷结构设计与研究………………………………………■ 李帅 郭言国
Design and Research on Spiral Internal Cooling Structure of CNC Machine Tool Lead Screw
19 新型玉米精播器设计…………………………………………………■ 王健 李振华 郭俊旺 等
Design of a New Corn Precision Seeder
22 焊缝修磨机器人聚氨酯轮与钢管的接触建模与有限元研究……………■ 张婕 李亚稳 雷润德
Modeling and Finite Element Study on Contact between Polyurethane Wheel of Welding Seam Repair Robot and Steel Pipe
25 基于Matlab的螺杆转子的型线分析………………………………■ 王殿钧 李殿起 王金平 等
Rotor Profile Analysis of Screw Compressor Based on Matlab
28 基于均匀设计的汽车变速杆操纵舒适性研究…………………………■ 杨宇明 张新敏 王晓云
Research on the Control Comfort of Automobile Gear Lever Based on Uniform Design
34 基于电涡流传感器的滑动轴承油膜厚度测量方法………………………………■ 牟迪 陆天炜
Oil Film Thickness Measurement Method of Sliding Bearing Based on Eddy Current Sensor
38 双模式外骨骼结构设计与优化………………………………………■ 冯军 王卫辰 刘兴实 等
Design and Optimization of Dual-mode Exoskeleton Structure
43 LNG动力渔船冷能梯级利用……………………………………………■ 杨晨斌 许光映 薛大文
Cold Energy Cascade Utilization of LNG Powered Fishing Ship
机械设计与计算 / Mechanical Design and Calculation
45 基于EMS的升降电缆弹簧选择参数研究………………………………………■ 王永昊 邹毅斌
Research on Parameter Selection of Lifting Cable Spring Based on EMS
48 随机振动条件下地铁电磁继电器步进应力加速退化试验研究………■ 赵华 吴聪聪 方骅 等
Research on Step-stress Accelerated Degradation Tests of Electromagnetic Relay of Subway under Random Vibration Stress
55 一种新型滚珠丝杠副装配与调试设备研制………………………■ 张洪强 耿玉香 周凤兰 等
Development of a New Ball Screw Assembly and Debugging Equipment
57 滚齿工艺对热处理畸变的影响研究…………………………………■ 王明镜 王炯 曹荣青 等
Effect of Hobbing Process on Heat Treatment Distortion
60 遗传优化BP神经网络在电液力伺服系统辨识中的应用……………………………■ 周挺 王虎
Application of BP Neural Network Based on Genetic Optimization in Electro-hydraulic Force Servo System
67 基于刚柔耦合模型的电动车减速箱振动分析……………………■ 伍小凯 李文强 李王英 等
Vibration Analysis on Reduction Gearbox of Electric Car Based on Rigid-flexible Coupling Transmission Model
70 基于SYSWELD的X80管线钢焊接接头温度场的数值模拟………………………………■ 田万鹏
Temperature Field Numerical Simulation of X80 Pipeline Steel Welded Joint Based on SYSWELD
73 海洋平台管线振动控制研究……………………………………………■ 房树锋 李福春 肖峻峰
Vibration Analysis of Pipelines on Offshore Platforms
75 多孔钛合金切削加工参数优化试验研究…………………………………………………■ 纪飞飞
Experimental Study on Cutting Stability of Porous Titanium Alloy
79 火炮对空中目标射击弹道解算方法分析…………………………………■ 任华杰 张瀚 冀志轩
Analysis on the Trajectory Calculation Method of Artillery Shooting at Aerial Targets
81 面向半失能老人的无动力外骨骼分析及设计………………………■ 李刚 宋振东 邹风山 等
Analysis and Design of Powerless Exoskeleton for Semi-disabled Elderly
89 基于Excel深化改革《机械设计基础》课程的研究……………■ 杜海彬 张长军 张华瑾 等
Research on Deepening Reform of the Course “Basic Mechanical Design” Based on Excel
96 无人机气压弹射起飞动力学仿真分析…………………………………■ 李德庚 周明 黄迟 等
Dynamic Simulation and Analysis on Pneumatic Catapult-assisted Take-off of UAV
100 电动钻机信息服务系统设计…………………………………………■ 李庆福 史金红 李娜 等
Design of Information Service System for Electric Drilling Rig
103 深水吸力桩施工技术研究…………………………………………■ 毛志豪 胡绍峰 李龙祥 等
Research on Construction Technology of Suction Pile in Deep Water
105 井下铲运机驱动桥湿式多盘制动器的研究………………………………………………■ 唐俊辉
Research on the Wet Multi-disc Brake of the Drive Axle for the Underground LHD
108 储能变流器降噪方案研究……………………………………………■ 潘守文 葛玉石 刘为群 等
Research on Noise Reduction Scheme of Energy Storage Converter
111 电动钻机电视监控系统技术现状及优化方案……………………■ 史金红 李庆福 李云鹏 等
Technical Status and Optimization Scheme of Electric Drilling Rig TV Monitoring System
114 海管直线度及椭圆度水下测量技术…………………………………■ 高超 胡绍峰 贺佛林 等
Underwater Measurement Technology for Straightness and Ovality of Submarine Pipelines
116 某型燃机透平******级动叶蠕变持久强度有限元分析……………………■ 于宁 孙立权 冯永志
Finite Element Analysis on Creep Rupture Strength of the First Stage Turbine Blade of a Certain Type Gas Turbine
119 基于精益六西格玛方法论降低工艺文件差错率……………………■ 郭光强 程小刚 严欢 等
Reducing the Error Rate of Process Documents Based on Lean Six Sigma
124 德国DVS1612标准在轨道车辆焊接结构疲劳评估中的应用……………■ 代鲁平 白从凯 杨萧
Application of German Standard DVS1612 in Fatigue Assessment of Welded Structure of Rail Vehicles
129 一种汽车白车身生产线中圆柱坐标机器人的运动学及仿真……………………■ 郑鋆 路书礼
Kinematics and Simulation of a Cylindrical Robot Used in the Auto BIW Production Line
134 龙门充电桩设计与研究…………………………………………………■ 王树勋 方春阳 殷帅兵
Design and Research of Gantry Charging Pile
137 海底管道带压开孔回接技术……………………………………………■ 王长涛 高岳松 邢广阔
On Subsea Pipeline Tie-in via Hot Tapping Technology
140 核级三通阀阀体三孔同轴度专用量具设计……………………………■ 牛小欧 李洪武 卓家桂
Measuring Device Designing for Three-hole Concentricity of Valve Body for Nuclear Grade Control Valve
143 风机紧急顺桨载荷分析与系统优化研究…………………………………■ 费望龙 龚佳兴 赵勇
Emergency Propeller Load Analysis and System Optimization of Wind Turbine Generator
146 关于人体起坐支撑的外骨骼装置的结构设计………………………■ 陈俊宇 宋爱平 李博皓 等
Structural Design of Exoskeleton Device for Supporting Human Sitting
153 液压支架上升回路的AMEsim建模和仿真………………………………■ 刘晓莲 李坤 赵雄鹏
AMESim Modeling and Simulation of Hydraulic Support Lifting Circuit
机械维修与诊断 / Mechanical Academic Communication
127 某型航空发动机点火电缆金属编织套断裂故障分析……………………………………■ 范旭东
Fracture Analysis on Metal Braided Sleeve of Ignition Cable for a Certain Type of Aeroengine
机械制造与应用 / Mechanical Manufacture and Application
31 一种基于滚动轴承整合设计的风电行星轮内孔的磨削方法………■ 束长林 王炯 王明镜 等
Grinding Method of Wind Power Planetary Wheel Inner Hole Based on Integrated Design of Rolling Bearing
52 基于Mastercam的复杂凹模零件加工……………………………………………………■ 李国荣
Machining of Complex Die Parts Based on Mastercam
64 球墨铸铁管件机械加工工艺及其装备…………………………………………■ 刘善江 陈红光
Design and Research on Spiral Internal Cooling Structure of CNC Machine Tool Lead Screw
93 一类风电太阳轮滚齿径向进刀加工方式探讨……………………■ 曹荣青 束长林 王明镜 等
Study on Radius Infeed Process Method in Wind Power Sun Gear Hobbing Process
132 装配件衬套加工工艺方法探索……………………………………………■ 徐红彦 舒晓君 苗奎
Study on the Processing Method of Assembly Bushing
150 单点金刚石飞切技术的纵向纹路形成机理研究及抑制措施…………………■ 金波佳 张剑锋
Research on the Formation Mechanism and Control Measures of Vertical Stripes of Single Point Diamond Flycutting Technology |