机械研究与分析 / Mechanical Research and Analysis
1 基于三维空间机构的教学用拆装实验装置设计…………………■ 徐英帅 万智辉 黄伟莉 等
Design of Disassembly and Assembly Experiment Device for Teaching Based on 3D Spatial Mechanism
4 电力推进船舶轴系冲击响应分析…………………………………■ 牛雨生 董良雄 杨明宇 等
Impact Response Analysis of Electric Propulsion Ship Shafting
7 核电站巡检应急履带机器人越障分析……………………………………■ 李彰 朱性利 吴学洲
Analysis on Obstacle Overcoming of Emergency Tracked Robot in Nuclear Power Plant
12 一种自动攻丝试验机的设计研发………………………………………………■ 傅梦婷 李湘生
Design and Development of an Automatic Tapping Test Machine
16 回转减速机空行程的检测和改进…………………………………………………………■ 黄春有
Detection and Improvement of Swinging Reducer Idle Stroke
19 口罩机齿辊的加工仿真与实现……………………………………………■ 祁迹 黄小峰 邝锦祥
Machining Simulation and Realization of Tooth Roll in Mask Machine
21 振动式林果采收技术的研究现状…………………………………………………………■ 陈泽斌
Research Status of Vibrating Fruit Harvesting Technology
25 六自由度机器人运动学分析……………………………………………………■ 殷固密 王建生
Kinematics Analysis of 6-DOF Robot
29 VRML技术在CATIA二次开发中的应用…………………………………………■ 王亚刚 徐万红
Application of VRML Technology in the Secondary Development of CATIA
31 跨音速压气机转子叶尖间隙流场特性研究………………………………■ 刘海旭 冯永志 任利
Effect of Tip Clearance Flow on Aerodynamic Performance of Transonic Compressor Rotor
34 考虑机床结合面的立式加工中心动态特性分析…………………■ 吕超超 王瑞超 周俊荣 等
Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Vertical Machining Center considering Machine Tool Joint Surface
38 锥齿轮力学性能研究………………………………………………………………■ 王栋 李宝良
Study on Mechanical Properties of Bevel Gear
43 车内酒精浓度检测与安全控制系统………………………………………………………■ 曾丽霞
In-car Alcohol Concentration Detection and Safety Control System
机械设计与计算 / Mechanical Design and Calculation
46 一种便携式多功能小型充电装置的电路设计……………………………………………■ 赵艳新
Circuit Design of a Portable Multifunctional Small Charging Device
49 镁合金大塑性变形轧制技术研究进展………………………………………■ 胡冬 梅静 文仁兴
Research Progress of Magnesium Alloy Severe Plastic Deformation Rolling Technology
51 基于Protcol Buffer的数控程序管理系统研究…………………………■ 刘强 郭东亮 赵怡 等
Research on NC Code Management System Based on Protcol Buffer
54 电动钻机系统设备信息识别系统设计………………………………■ 史金红 李庆福 廖刚 等
Design of Equipment Information Recognition System for Electric Drill System
56 基于拓展杠杆法的8速行星齿轮机构的设计………………………………………………■ 文强
Design of 8-speed Planetary Gear Mechanism Based on Extended Lever Method
60 基于试验分析的CRH2A动车组电茶炉开关电源常见故障修复方法研究……■ 王化新 李知贤 韩志远 等
Research on the Common Fault Repair Method of Switching Power Supply of Electric Tea Stove in CRH2A EMU Based on Test Analysis
63 地铁用公铁两用车辆铁路走行装置设计与研究……………………………………………■ 张宁
Design and Research on Running Device of Road-Railway Dual-Purpose Vehicle Used for Metro
66 基于ANSYS的前移式叉车门架小车优化设计……………………………………………■ 郑尚敏
Optimization Design of Reach Truck of Mast Support Based on ANSYS
69 电动钻机动力系统冗余设计………………………………………■ 李庆福 史金红 周发学 等
Redundancy Design of Power System for Electric Drilling Rig
71 涂层技术替代耐蚀合金接箍镀铜的可行性研究与实现……………■ 骆敬辉 陈玉鹏 王旭 等
Feasibility Study and Implementation of Coating Technology Instead of Copper Plating
on Anti-Corrosion Alloy Coupling
74 脱重真空塔填料硫化亚铁自燃案例及控制方法…………………………■ 刘家懿 范旺军 竺宁
Case and Control Method of Ferrous Sulfide Autoignition in De-heavy Vacuum Tower
76 一种舰载伺服稳定平台的结构设计………………………………………………■ 毛雨辉 张进
Structural Design of a Shipborne Servo-stabilized Platform
78 加工中心加工垂直度工作精度的误差分析…………………………………■ 丁岩 李海 郝小忠
Error Analysis on the Working Accuracy of Machining Center’s Verticality
81 低温钻机轮轨移运装置应用现状及技术分析………………………■ 王文超 侯敏 郭晓虎 等
Application Status of Wheel-track Transportation Device for Low-temperature Drilling Rig
85 宏程序指令在非圆曲线数控加工中的应用………………………………………■ 曹阳 刘心宇
Application of Macro Program Instruction in NC Machining of Non-circular Curve
88 激光钻井技术进展及其关键技术……………………………………■ 闫静 王德贵 左永强 等
Development Status and Key Technologies of Laser Drilling Technology
91 工厂空气净化装置的设计与研究………………………………………■ 林钟卫 王琴 罗准 等
Design and Research of Factory Air Purification Equipment
94 基于ARIZ理论微型螺钉取放卡位的创新设计……………………■ 钟庭进 罗梓欣 胡双飞 等
Innovation Designs for Pick-up and Placement of Microscrew Based on ARIZ Theory
97 一种六轮机构通过梯形障碍物的振动分析…………………………………………………■ 吴楠
Vibration Analysis of a Six-wheel Mechanism Passing through a Trapezoidal Obstacle
100 卷扬减速机卷筒止口同轴度检测装置设计………………………………………………■ 张二莉
Design of the Measuring Device for the Coaxiality of the Winding Drum of the Hoist Reducer
102 车辆门系统的单向逆止离合锁闭机构……………………………■ 王际成 林会明 张海国 等
One-way Backstop Clutch Locking Mechanism of Vehicle Door System
105 液压油缸产品的成组化设计与制造………………………………………………………■ 石国玲
Group Design and Manufacture of Hydraulic Cylinder Products
107 双向大跨距平移海洋修井机配管系统技术研究…………………■ 郭小艳 武卫卫 蒋合艳 等
Research on Piping System of Bi-directional and Long-span Translation of Offshore Workover Rig
109 黄山西海大峡谷观光缆车液压制动系统安全性分析……………………………………■ 刘争辉
Safety Analysis of Hydraulic Braking System for Sightseeing Cable Car in Xihai Grand Canyon of Huangshan Mountain
113 一种防止阀门自关闭锁定装置的研究设计……………………………■ 顾祥武 汤驰 栾俊 等
Research and Design of a Locking Device to Prevent the Valve from Closing
115 适用于严苛环境的储能变流器散热方案研究……………………■ 周力民 张海龙 刘博嘉 等
Study on Heat Dissipation of PCS Suitable for Harsh Environment
119 车辆质心位置测量方法研究………………………………………■ 崔爱莲 关士成 凌山珊 等
Research on Measurement Method of a Vehicle Centre-of-mass Position
122 推靠式垂直钻井工具机械系统关键技术分析………………………■ 惠坤亮 吴小雄 游娜 等
Key Technologies Analysis on Mechanical System of Push-the-bit Vertical Drilling Tool
125 工程机械液压系统容积调速回路分析…………………………………………………■ 徐成东
Volume Speed Regulation Circuit Analysis for Hydraulic System of a Construction Machinery
132 基于某风电机组运输工装螺栓有限元建模方法的对比分析…………■ 邵振威 李有亮 赵春雨
Comparative Analysis Based on the Finite Element Modeling Method of a Wind Turbine Transportation Tool Bolt
143 冲压空气涡轮舱门联动机构动力学仿真及优化…………………………■ 杜鑫 卢岳良 陈建伟
Dynamics Simulation and Optimization of Door Linkage Mechanism of Ram Air Turbine
机械维修与诊断 / Mechanical Academic Communication
149 某汽轮机振动大及低压内缸裂纹原因分析与处理…………………■ 黄建强 朱熹 彭金龙 等
Cause Analysis and Treatment of Cracks in the Inner Casing of a Steam Turbine with High Vibration and Low Pressure
154 某型飞机座舱盖操纵作动筒损伤分析及应对……………………■ 皮月亮 祖挥程 李永彬 等
Damage Analysis and Countermeasures of a Certain Aircraft Canopy Operating Actuator Cylinder
机械制造与应用 / Mechanical Manufacture and Application
127 汽车软工装试制及夹具的开发………………………………………………………………■ 李达
Development of Automobile Soft Tooling Trial Production and Fixture
130 基于车螺纹原理卷制螺旋弹簧………………………………………………………………■ 赵云
Coil Spring Based on the Principle of Thread Turning
135 风电齿轮螺旋角修形方式的探讨……………………………………■ 王明镜 王炯 曹荣青 等
Discussion on the Helical Angle Modification Method for Wind Power Gear
137 高硬度花键滚铣复合加工方法研究…………………………………■ 束长林 王炯 王明镜 等
Research on Hobbing and Milling Compound Machining Method of High Hardness Spline
140 轧制极薄材料的Cr5型锻钢工作辊及其制备方法的研发……………■ 王德山 陈铭宏 陈尤旭
Preparation Method Research and Development of Cr5 Forged Steel Work Roll for Rolling Very Thin Material
146 某异形钩子零件快速加工工艺研究………………………………■ 邓文星 宋燕林 闫佳佳 等
Research on Rapid Processing Technology of a Specially-shaped Hook
151 汽车车身快速试制与质量改进………………………………………………………………■ 宁燕
Rapid Trial Manufacture and Quality Improvement of Automobile Body |