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  首页 > 往期预览 > 2022-07   第1页 【共1页】


2022年第7期 ( 2022年7月10日出版 )

1 小波包结合希尔伯特变换的轴承故障诊断……………………………………■ 张金萍 陈肖飞
Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Wavelet Packet and Hilbert
4 双软管灌装封尾机研究现状与发展趋势………………………………■ 孟爽 黎光辉 张炜 等
Research Status and Development Trend of Double Hose Filling and Tail Sealing Machine
9 线上线下混合激励策略探索与实践——以有限元分析课程为例…■ 唐伟 叶雨康 梁潮淋 等
Exploration and Practice on Online and Offline Hybrid Incentive Strategies—Take the Course of Finite Element Analysis as an Example
12 基于ANSYS的全自动洗箱机输送链有限元分析……………………………………………■ 武涛
Finite Element Analysis of Conveyor Chain of Automatic Case Washer Based on ANSYS
15 基于某涡轮叶片的静强度及温度梯度的研究………………………………■ 杨杰 张姝 刘志超
Research on Static Strength and Temperature Gradient of a Turbine Blade
18 基于MATLAB的MC2000机器人运动分析与仿真…………………■ 刘晓刚 高文博 吴俊辰 等
Kinematics Analysis and Simulation of MC2000 Robot Based on MATLAB
22 某车载展收天线风载作用下的结构分析…………………………■ 徐琦玮 段静波 段聂静 等
Structural Analysis of Vehicle-borne Antenna under Wind Load
25 Delta并联机器人静刚度理论分析与仿真………………………………………■ 孔凡国 柯子旭
Simulation and Theoretical Analysis on Static Stiffness of Delta Parallel Robot
30 Q420GJDZ35特厚板厚度方向性能不合格原因分析……………………■ 于飒 张涛 李忠波 等
Analysis on the Unqualified Performance of Q420GJDZ35 Extra-thick Plate in Thickness Direction
33 基于Fluent的活性炭箱内气体流场的分析……………………………■ 倪洪启 何崇玉 孟宪春
Analysis of Gas Flow Field in Activated Carbon Tank Based on Fluent
36 飞机副油箱传感器安装座加工用机床的数控系统设计………………………■ 陈章恒 王玉琳
Computer Numerical Control System Design of Machine-tool for Processing Sensor Mounting Base of Aircraft Auxiliary Oil Tank
39 基于Abaqus的吸盘式柔性工装吸附力优化研究…………………………………■ 王巍 闵习瑞
Study on the Adsorption Force Optimization of Sucker Flexible Tooling Based on Abaqus
42 基于LabVIEW的某型涡扇发动机加力泵测试平台设计……………■ 程思恩 李凯 杨吉建 等
Design of Testing Platform for Certain Turbofan Engine Afterburner Pump Based on LabVIEW
46 新工科背景下的机械原理课程改革初探……………………………■ 申会鹏 曹毅 丁浩 等
Curriculum Reform of Theory of Machines and Mechanisms under the Background of New Engineering
50 基于嵌入式视觉识别的透明液体液位实时检测方法研究………………■ 曹承昊 钱炫言 伍哲
Research on Real-time Detection Method of Transparent Liquid Level Based on Embedded Visual Recognition
54 基于UKF数据融合的勘测机器人定位方法………………………………………■ 徐萌 孔令华
Location Method of Survey Robot Based on UKF Data Fusion
58 基于RBF神经网络的相机标定方法……………………………………■ 刘驰弋 谢明红 何浪
Camera Calibration Method Based on RBF Neural Network
62 仿人机器人颈部结构设计与优化仿真……………………………………■ 向镐 何苗 潘永康
Design and Optimization Simulation of Humanoid Robot Neck Structure
66 基于图像处理的波纹补偿器故障监测系统……………………■ 李宝志 倪洪启 何崇玉 等
Fault Monitoring System of Ripple Compensator Based on Image Processing
70 一种卧式五轴加工中心的研究与应用………………………………■ 张传思 侯延星 范春宏
Research and Application of a Horizontal Five-axis Machining Center
76 大型泵站拍门缓冲装置控制系统设计开发………………………■ 孙文博 李辛沫 陈军 等
Design and Development of Control System for Flap Valve Buffer Device in Large Pump Station
79 液压伺服系统半实物仿真方法研究………………………………………■ 徐威 梁全 郭丽丽
Research on Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation Method of Hydraulic Servo System
81 石油钻机井架底座结构用钢的思考和建议……………………■ 刘宏亮 任小伟 柳锁贤 等
Considerations and Suggestions on Steel Used in the Structure of Oil Rig Derrick Substructures
85 复合门木质龙骨自动贴码机的设计与研究………………………■ 谢重 王均晖 张静洁 等
Design and Research of Automatic Labeling Machine for Composite Door Wooden Keel
88 注塑机螺杆转速对塑化能力和表观黏度的影响研究…………………■ 刘阔 王立强 张邵恒
Research on the Effect of Screw Rotation Speed of Injection Molding Machine on Plasticizing Ability and Apparent Viscosity
91 高速液压式纽扣电池封口机液压系统设计………………………■ 任港贤 韦相贵 张恒 等
Hydraulic System Design of High-speed Hydraulic Button Battery Sealing Machine
94 高层建筑外墙智能喷涂机器人的设计…………………………■ 梁渝普 刘潇翔 李俊楠 等
Design of Intelligent Spraying Robot for Outer Wall of High-rise Building
98 基于正交试验的发动机连体轴瓦铸造工艺优化…………………■ 雷艳淼 余贵 董菊明 等
Optimization of Engine Main Bearing Cover Casting Process Based on Orthogonal Test
101 水下相关组件单棒转移机械手的轨迹规划与控制…………………■ 张斌 陈建文 冷慧玲 等
Trajectory Planning and Control of Underwater Single Rod Transfer Manipulator for Control Element Assembly
106 接触热阻在加固计算机热设计中的分析研究……………………………………………■ 李风新
Analysis and Research of Contact Thermal Resistance in Thermal design of Rugged Computer
110 导轨激励下的电梯轿厢横向振动特性分析……………………………■ 李德庚 孙刚 秦杨禹
Horizontal Vibration Analysis of Lift Car under the Guide Excitation
113 基于三维激光扫描技术的船用柴油机管系检测………………………■ 唐豪 陆龙 杨奋强 等
Marine Diesel Engine Piping Detection Based on 3D Laser Scanning Technology
116 座舱盖骨架危险薄弱部位可靠性分析研究…………………………■ 邱蕾蕾 王雪 许光群 等
Reliability Analysis on Dangerous Weak Parts of Aircraft Canopy Frame
120 节流调速系统中的参数匹配研究……………………………………………………………■ 王欢
Research on Parameter Matching in Throttling Speed Governing System
123 GW27型隔离开关风致振动研究及可靠性分析………………………■ 师丽芳 刘杰 杨秋蓉 等
Wind-induced Vibration Research and Reliability Analysis of GW27 Disconnector
128 排烟防火阀门执行机构的分析与试验……………………………………………………■ 林晋立
Analysis and Test on the Actuator of Smoke Exhaust Fire Damper
131 一种旋转机械振动数据采集及分析预处理方法…………………………………■ 傅磊 曲晓峰
A Method of Vibration Data Acquisition and Pre-process for Analysis in Rotating Machinery
134 JC-70DBZ型直驱绞车研制………………………………………………■ 张增年 陈刚 冉建 等
Research of JC-70DBZ Direct Drive Drawworks
137 修井机用轮式移运固控系统研制…………………………………■ 行浩楠 张虎山 徐小鹏 等
Development of Wheeled Moving Solids Control System for Workover Rig
148 铸造用烤包器的优化设计…………………………………………………………………■ 姚国涛
Optimum Design of Ladle Pre-heater for Foundry
156 拓扑优化在提高一体化框架模态特性中的应用…………………………………■ 于淼 楼宇涛
Application of Topology Optimization in Improving Modal Properties of Integrated Frame
168 轮轨磨耗对车辆系统动力学性能的影响………………………………………■ 崔锦涛 杨湘平
Influence of Wheel Rail Wear on Dynamic Performance of Vehicle System
140 某型机前起落架节流活门排气孔漏油故障诊断分析………………■ 韩持刚 马艳萍 李薇 等
Fault Diagnosis and Analysis on Oil Leakage from Vent of Throttle Valve in Nose Landing Gear
145 严苛工况用耐磨球阀常见故障与改进方案研究…………………■ 陈长奔 叶凯强 叶显斌 等
Research on Common Faults and Improvement Schemes of Wear-resistant Ball Valves for Severe Working Conditions
150 基于集中参数模型的滚动轴承故障研究…………………………………………■ 郑秀丽 王辉
Research on Rolling Bearing Fault Based on Lumped Parameter Model
73 多孔系阀体加工技术的应用研究……………………………………■ 刘国玺 郭辉 许锋国 等
Application Research on Machining Technology of Porous Valve Body
142 风力发电机组锥主轴曲面孔系******加工技术研究………………■ 杨天锋 杨武刚 童勇智 等
Research on High-efficiency Machining Technology of Wind Turbine Cone Main Shaft Surface Hole System
154 水表壳异形件一体式加工工装设计与加工………………………………………………■ 陈太丽
Design and Processing of Integrated Processing Tooling for Water Meter Shell Special-shaped Parts
160 快锻压机液压管道焊接工艺处理………………………………………………………■ 杨家元
Welding Process of Fast Forging Press Hydraulic Pipe
162 无头铆钉自动钻铆机构设计及铆模锥度对铆接强度影响分析………■ 吕晓敏 张慧 杨帅 等
Design of Automatic Drilling and Riveting Mechanism for Headless Rivets and Influence Analysis of Riveting Die Taper on Riveting Strength
166 一种大尺寸薄壁曲面零件精密补偿加工技术研究………………………■ 李洋 崔鑫 郑骥 等
Research on Precision Compensation Machining Technology for Large-sized Thin-walled Curved Surface Parts

本期导读 (2022-08) 更多>>

1 增材制造舱门摇臂静力试验方案研究… 宋欣 李天玉 单梁 等
Research on Static Test Scheme of Door Rocker Arm Made by Additive Manufacturing Process
6 基于RANS法的螺旋桨敞水性能预报方法研究… 邱鹏 何钰璋
Research on the Prediction Method of Propeller Open Water Performance Based on RANS Method
10 氦等离子体喷涂中发射光谱参数的研究… 寇元哲 李向富
Emission Spectrum Parameters of Helium Plasma Spraying
13 一种护理床的起背机构运动滑移分析… 周浩东 李洪洲 张轩铭 等
Motion Slip Analysis on Back-lifting Mechanism of a Nursing Bed
17 基于小波包和改进GA-BP神经网络的轴承故障诊断… 张金萍 陈肖飞
Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Wavelet Packet and Improved GA-BP Neural Network
20 基于变负载的机器人误差模型设计与实验研究… 占加林 朱华炳 张作胜 等
Design and Experimental Research of Robot Error Model Based on Variable Load
24 基于Amesim仿真软件的飞机起落架油气式缓冲器动态性能研究… 徐威 梁全 郭丽丽
Research on the Dynamic Performance of Aircraft Landing Gear Hydro-pneumatic Buffer Based on Amesim
27 一种新型基于FDM成型原理喷头性能的数值模拟研究… 张海录
Numerical Simulation Research on the Performance of a New-type Nozzle Based on FDM Forming Principle
31 基于NX的白车身弧焊自动虚拟评估方法研究… 王建军 季振卿 徐洪娟
Research on Automatic Virtual Evaluation Method of Body-in-white Arc Welding Based on NX
34 偏心轮式快速夹紧法兰的设计研究… 张良 张延 徐程 等
Design and Research of Eccentric Wheel-type Quick-clamping Flange
37 概念桥拓扑优化设计… 吴星辰 申会鹏 张海博
Conceptual Bridge Topology Optimization Design
40 风机3种轮毂腹板表面对轮毂强度的影响分析… 王慧 赵春雨 柳胜举 等
Influence Analysis on Three Kinds of Hub Web Surfaces on Strength Calculation of the Hub
44 基于CEEMDAN和FastICA的轴承故障诊断… 卞东学 李甲历
Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on CEEMDAN and FastICA
47 基于正交实验的不锈钢罐体拉深参数优化… 林兴 顾平灿
Drawing Parameters Optimization of Stainless Steel Tank Based on Orthogonal Experiment
50 基于外骨骼机器人的人机交互控制研究综述… 王珂 谭昕
Overview of Research on Human-Computer Interaction Control Based on Exoskeleton Robots
54 大型带锯床的设计… 徐进扬
Design of Large Band Saw Machine
57 基于CFD的大型节能工业吊扇叶片参数优化设计… 张昊 张磊 王一平 等
Optimal Design of Blade Parameters for Large-scale Energy-saving Industrial Ceiling Fan Based on CFD
60 基于模态特性分析的方向盘摆振研究… 胡赋鑫 闫炳旭 张策
Research on Steering Wheel Shimmy Based on Modal Characteristic Analysis
64 传动齿轮与轴过盈配合的有限元分析和优化设计… 董建明 周俊波 王艳华 等
Optimal Design and Finite Element Analysis on the Interference Fit of Transmission Gear and Shaft
67 冷弯十字型连接件连接剪力墙结构滞回性能研究… 陈霞 万馨 高鹏 等
Study on Hysteretic Behavior of Shear Wall Structure Connected with Cold-formed Cross Connectors
71 试井钢丝疲劳试验机的研制及应用… 谭健 李国 杜涓 等
Development and Application of Well Testing Steel Wire Fatigue Tester
74 探究喷嘴和螺杆头结构对熔体速度和温度的影响… 刘阔 王立强 张绍恒
Research on the Influence of Nozzle and Screw Head Structure on Melt Velocity and Temperature
77 面向永磁同步电动机转动惯量辨识的积分变换朗道离散方法… 王柯 杨建中 郝勇 等
Integral Transformation Landau Discretization Method for PMSM Moment of Inertia Identification
82 直接分析法在石油钻机用井架整体稳定性分析中的应用… 郝山波 张波 刘云
Application of Direct Analysis Method in the Overall Stability Analysis of the oil Drilling Rig’s Mast
85 含能粉末造粒系统设计… 谢曙钊 王宁 区汉东 等
Design of Energetic Powder Granulation System
89 新型单立柱系泊生产系统研发… 朱为全 郭薇 申辉 等
Research of a New Single Column Mooring System
92 基于环境温度的数控机床热误差模型研究… 刘政 周俊荣 何灵 等
Research on Thermal Error Model of NC Machine Tool Based on Ambient Temperature
96 基于SolidWorks的深远海网箱结构设计及有限元分析… 王飞 陈胜
Structural Design and Finite Element Analysis of Deep Sea Cages Based on SolidWorks
100 基于深度学习的智能垃圾分类系统研究… 战秋成 季龙华 赵际云 等
Research on Intelligent Waste Classification System Based on Deep Learning
104 一种基于PLC控制的离心泵装置设计… 张苗 顾世明 何玲 等
Design of Centrifugal Pump Device Based on PLC Control
107 即时衡准在三维检测批量检测技术中的实现… 胡成昕
Real-time Criteria Realization in 3D Inspection Batch Inspection Technology
110 扩张调节片结构点阵拓扑轻量化技术研究… 宋经远 邵万仁 贾东兵 等
Research on Topological Lightweight Technology of Expanded Regulating Slice Lattice
115 基于ADVISOR插电式混合动力汽车整车性能的仿真… 赵林林 陈晓川 武涛
Vehicle Performance Simulation of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on ADVISOR
119 池边检查水下测量台架的设计及分析… 冯浩志 刘豪 吴瑞 等
Design and Analysis of Underwater Measuring Bench for Poolside Inspection
122 基于CATIA的轻型载货汽车地面线的制作方法… 熊燕 何瑞光
Manufacturing Method of Light Truck Ground Line Based on CATIA
125 发动机曲轴有限元仿真分析… 袁界驰 叶春花 盛冬平
Finite Element Simulation Analysis of Engine Crankshaft
128 某工程热室窥视窗抗震计算分析… 李阳 刘海锋
Anti-seismic Calculation and Analysis on Peering Window of Hot Cell for a Project
131 轴承座间隙对油膜轴承衬套性能影响的研究… 郭强 王颜辉
Research on the Influence of Bearing Seat Clearance on the Performance of Oil Film Bearing Bush
133 不同振动压实工作装置对软岩挖方材料压实效果的对比研究… 崔晋阳 吴文震 丁智勇 等
Comparative Study on the Compaction Effect of Different Vibrating Compaction Devices on Soft Rock Excavation Materials
136 和谐1型货运电力机车转向架全寿命周期探讨… 曾艳梅 张文涛 孙志明 等
Discussion on the Whole Life Cycle of HXD1 Freight Electric Locomotive Bogie
138 车间智能制造CPS智能服务平台技术研究… 傅磊 曲晓峰
Research on Technology of CPS Intelligent Service Platform in Intelligent Manufacturing of Workshop
142 单立柱系泊生产平台通信系统研究… 王东 朱为全 刘超 等
Research on Communication Scheme of Single Column Mooring Production System
145 120 m钻井液转接系统研制… 左文佳 张虎山 徐小鹏 等
Development of 120 m Drilling Fluid Transfer System
149 基于约束理论的火力发电厂阀门优化设计… 冯珑
Optimum Design of Valve in Thermal Power Plant Based on Theory of Constraints
152 直游梁抽油机设计与应用… 吴永正 李永新 孙奇 等
Design and Application of Straight Beam Pumping Unit
155 一种无尾架型叉车平衡重的工装工艺开发… 李飞 孙浩 胡平
Development of a Tooling Process for Tailstockless Forklift Counterweight
158 SiO2气凝胶微圆柱精密车削工艺研究… 陶洋 刘世忠 傅刚 等
Research on Precision Turning Technology of SiO2 Aerogel Microcylinder
161 基于NX的龙门加工中心船用柴油机机体仿真加工技术研究… 杨天锋 杨帆 田锐敏 等
Research on Simulation Processing Technology of Marine Diesel Engine Block on Gantry Machining Center Based on NX
164 吹风机外壳逆向建模与增材制造… 唐锋
Inverse Modeling and Additive Manufacturing of Hair Dryer Housings
167 一种新型货车中梁组装作业的随形工装… 郭浩 周武城
A New Conformal Tooling for Van Center Sill Assembly
169 废旧油管热轧再制造工艺技术与应用… 吉效科 刘爽 贺建国 等
Technology and Application of Hot Rolling Remanufacturing for Waste Tubing

下期预告 (2022-09) 更多>>

1 下肢康复机器人的控制系统研究… 谭苗苗
Research on Control System for Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot
4 基于机器人的电缆隧道智能消防系统… 王斌
Intelligent Firefighting System for Cable Tunnel Based on Robot
7 特轻小试件的理料与连续运动中的浮动定位… 顾立志 夏巨明 宋金玲 等
Material Handling and Floating Positioning in Continuous Motion of Ultra-light and Small Specimens
10 飞机舱门工装柔性技术研究… 王巍 乌琛 闫梦娜 等
Flexible Tooling Assembly Design of Engine Cabin Door
13 电梯 125% 额定载荷制动性能的无载荷定量检测… 陈建勋 苏宇航 杨宁祥 等
No-load Quantitative Detection of Elevator Braking Performance under 125% Rated Load
17 钢筋混凝土 T 型节点位移极限仿真模拟… 胡金辉 孙颖娜 张丽娜 等
Simulation of Reinforced Concrete T-joints Displacement Limits
20 缝合线拉力与小梁网扩张宽度的仿真分析与实验研究… 巴鹏 刘识博
Experimental Investigation and Simulation Analysis on Suture Tension and Dilation Width of Trabecular Meshwork
24 颈椎逆向成型及生物力学分析… 何荧 张洪军 宋金秋 等
Reverse Molding and Biomechanical Analysis of Cervical Vertebra
28 增材制造铝合金接头构件静力试验方案的设计与验证… 宋欣 刘桐言 年乐奇 等
Design and Verification of Static Test Scheme for Aluminum Alloy Joint Component Made by Additive Manufacturing Process
32 基于坐立转换的老人辅助站立装置的研究与设计… 彭见辉 李佳玉 黎小巨 等
Research and Design of Assisted Standing Device for the Elderly Based on Sit-to-stand Conversion
36 不同形式的风挡对高速列车气动阻力及升力的影响… 杨恩宇 胡家声 陈尧
Effect of Windshield Schemes on Aerodynamic Drag and Lift of High-speed Trains
40 CFRP 层合板爆炸分离损伤模式研究… 余海洋 宣海军 何泽侃 等
Study on Explosion Separation Damage Mode of CFRP Laminates
45 某型压力传感器温度性能自动测试系统设计… 周彦凯 姚文颖 姜会菊
Automatic Test System Design for Temperature Performance of a Pressure Sensor
48 基于神经网络预测钨合金冲击载荷下的流动应力… 卢旭 赖修文
Prediction of Flow Stress in Tungsten Heavy Alloy under Dynamic Loading by Artificial Neural Networks
53 面向核退役设施拆除的机器人遥操作系统设计及实现研究… 马永红 高文朋 何贇 等
Design and Implementation of Robot Teleoperation System for dismantling Nuclear Decommissioning Facilities
57 乏燃料干法贮存容器内腔气体杂质含量分析… 卢可可 李馨楠 张白茹
Analysis of Cover Gas Impurities Quantity on the Spent Fuel Dry Storage Cask
60 机电产品设计阶段数字孪生模型演化方法及应用… 谢啊奋 王建生 康献民 等
Evolution Method and Application of Digital Twin Model in Mechanical and Electrical Product Design Stage
66 同轴换热器内管截面积的计算方法探讨… 李菊
Calculation Method Study on Inner Tube Cross-sectional Area of Coaxial Heat Exchanger
69 基于 STEP-NC 的数控加工文件共享系统研究… 唐锋 易杰 易辉成 等
Research on File Sharing System of NC Machining Based on STEP-NC
72 铝制散热翅片低温钎焊技术研究… 杨飞 羊应官 龙辉文
Study on Low Temperature Brazing Technology of Aluminum Radiating Fins
76 乘用车电动玻璃升降器试验台设计… 李强 仰蕾伊 徐中青 等
Design of Test Bench for Electric Glass Elevator of Passenger Car
79 方形四立柱半潜式平台涡激运动特性数值模拟研究… 王金涛 魏东泽 阙小玲 等
Numerical Simulation on Vortex-induced Motion Characteristics of a Semi-submersible Platform
83 机场捷运系统列车大回流车门控制… 廖绍辉 刘帅 姚风龙
Door Control of Train under Large Passenger Return in Airport Rapid Transit System
86 半球形金属件专用可调带锯床夹持装置的设计… 王述强 杨庆辉 熊雪峰
Design of a Special Adjustable Band Saw Clamping Device for Hemispherical Metal Parts
88 基于正面碰撞前防撞梁的 DOE 轻量化设计… 陈祖兴 王运辉 程一明 等
Lightweight Design of Front Anti-collision Beam Based on Frontal Impact
93 调节环结构轻量化拓扑优化设计研究… 宋经远 邵万仁 贾东兵 等
Research on Topology Optimization Design of Regulating Ring Structure Lightweight
96 基于 Mixture 模型的磷酸萃取搅拌器固液两相流研究… 张正阳 张国鹏
Study on Solid-liquid Two-Phase Flow in Phosphoric Acid Extraction Agitator Based on Mixture Model
99 工业仿真赋能平台探索… 赵幼芳 周蓝海
Exploration of Industrial Simulation Empowerment Platform
102 挤扩支盘桩试验研究进展… 王胜 张成富 孟凡臣 等
Experimental Study Progress about Squeezed Branch and Plate Pile
105 一种新型自动上下楼轮椅的力学分析… 李哲 伍世英 许昌
Mechanical Analysis of a New-type Automatic Wheelchair for Walking up and down Stairs
108 液力变矩器泵轮轴套焊接对流体性能影响研究… 彭小龙 凌锡春 蒋勇
Research on the Effect of Welding Impeller Hub on Fluid Performance of Torque Converter
112 一种智能屏幕支架的设计… 程智勇 李晓娟 陈文尉 等
Design of an Intelligent Screen Bracket
115 RTTTR 型多轴齿轮加工复合机床虚拟样机建模和仿真切削… 朱浩洋
Virtual Prototype Modeling and Cutting Simulation of RTTTR Multi-axis Composite Machine Tool for Gear Machining
118 智能三指灵巧手结构设计及验证… 宋宇晓
Structural Design and Verification of Intelligent Three-finger Dexterous Hand
122 ASI 总线在双工位阀口包装生产线上的应用… 周祥 徐立敏 苏舒
Application of ASI Bus in Double-position Valve Port Packaging Production Line
125 双线式集中润滑系统在垃圾焚烧炉上的应用… 蒋玲 周璐璐
Application of Double-line Centralized Lubrication System in Waste Incinerator
127 混砂机水玻璃系统的改进… 姚国涛
Improvement of Water Glass System in Sand Mixer
130 中国氦冷固态实验包层模块整体框架结构强度分析… 陶海燕 吴苑玉 王泽明 等
Strength Analysis of Frame Structures for CH HCSB TBM
133 重载齿轮齿条齿形设计与齿根应力计算方法研究… 梁竞夫
Research on Tooth Profile Design and Tooth Root Stress Calculation Method of Heavy-duty Gear Rack
137 轻型载货汽车锂离子起动电池的可行性分析… 库国辉
Feasibility Analysis of Lithium Ion Starting Battery for Light Trucks
141 三坐标测量机在航空航天飞行器零部件检测中的应用… 胡成昕 刘心宇 刘广东
Application of CMM in the Inspection of Aerospace Vehicle Parts
144 典型现代有轨电车用钩缓装置选型分析… 时延山
Analysis of Coupler Configuration for Typical Modern Light Rail Vehicle
148 基于粒子群算法的工程机械机群动态调度问题的求解… 李金鑫 何晓晖
Solving Optimization Scheduling Model of Engineering Machinery Fleet Based on Particle Swarm Algorithm
151 管道设计和安装对汽轮机稳定性的影响分析… 毕雪 段森 杨晓辉
Effect Analysis of Piping Design and Installation on Turbine Stability
160 一种铰接式履带行走传动装置的设计… 乔曙光 董存贤
Design of an Articulated Crawler Walking Transmission Device
154 某款发动机贴合试验活塞裙部开裂问题解析… 乔彦超 栾永东 张亚林 等
Analysis on Cracking of Piston Skirt in Fitting Test of an Engine
157 发动机平衡轴清洁度超差问题分析与解决… 徐晔
Analysis and Solution to the Out-of-tolerance Cleanliness Problem of Engine Balance Shaft
163 一种薄壁桁条类零件随形加工技术研究… 樊艳权 王杨 李泊 等
Research on a Conformal Machining Technology of Thin-walled Strip Parts
166 基于 ABAQUS 的金属波纹管成形分析及应用研究… 吴京祥 王志辉 王兆峻 等
Research of Forming Analysis and Application for Metal Bellows Based on ABAQUS
170 一种基于模拟量的数字量协调补偿制孔加工方法… 李洋 韩磊 赵怡 等
A Digital Quantity Coordination Compensation Hole-making Method Based on Analog Quantity

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