1 数控铣床工作台有限元分析及结构改进…………………………………………………■ 程彬彬
Finite Element Analysis and Structural Improvement of NC Milling Machine Worktable
4 基于可视化方法的双螺杆停留时间分布及充满度研究……………■ 赵中文 喻慧文 揭旭章 等
Study on Twin-screw Residence Time Distribution and Filling Degree Based on Visualization Method
9 机械专业“互换性测量技术”课程的案例式教学应用……………………■ 邓克 高文斌 刘涛
Application of Case Teaching in Interchangeability and Measurement Technology Course
of Mechanical Speciality
13 采用联合算法识别人-桥耦合系统时变模态参数…………………………………■ 方露 彭佳敏
Time-varying Modal Parameters Identification of Human-bridge Coupling System
Based on Combined Method
20 基于Abaqus的增材制造标准样件退火夹具仿真分析设计………………………■ 刘文萍 许强
Simulation Analysis and Design of Annealing Fixture for Additive Manufacturing Standard Samples Based on Abaqus
24 基于余弦曲线的机器人移动路径自主规划……………………………■ 李峰 金永喆 朱文慧 等
Autonomous Path Planning of Robot Based on Cosine Curve
28 少齿差刚柔复合摆线减速器静态特性分析……………………………■ 黄思语 唐源 李晴朝 等
Static Characteristics Analysis of Rigid-Flexible Composite Cycloid Reducer with Small Tooth Difference
34 模数式桥梁伸缩缝预制锚固区现场荷载试验与有限元力学分析……■ 丁智勇 赵志远 吴优 等
Field Load Test and Finite Element Mechanical Analysis on Prefabricated Anchorage Zone
of Modular Bridge Expansion Joint
37 基于Fluent的高功率密度SEA热仿真设计与优化……………………■ 范诗瑶 赵铁军 金纯旭
Thermal Simulation Design and Optimization of High Power Density SEA Based on Fluent
42 基于视觉传感的*********车的定位和路径规划研究………………………………■ 王立银 赵铁军
Research on Location and Path Planning of Omnidirectional Vehicle Based on Vision Sensor
45 基于激光SLAM自主导航技术的多功能共享轮椅………………………■ 刘凯 李* 林群煦 等
Multi-function Shared Wheelchair Based on Laser SLAM Autonomous Navigation Technology
49 某通信模块机箱自散热结构设计与优化分析……………………………………■ 邓孟辉 金向阳
Design and Optimization Analysis on Self-cooling Structure of a Communication Module
52 碱式碳酸镁射流碳化反应器优化设计……………………………………■ 刘年生 任腾 王德喜
Optimization Design of Basic Magnesium Carbonate Jet Carbonization Reactor
57 基于改进四参数法的法兰螺栓连接预紧力优化………………………………………■ 张阳 赵晶
Preload Force Optimization of Flange Bolted Connection Based on Improved Four-parameter Method
61 一种新型双臂协作消化道手术机器人的结构设计与运动学分析……■ 王盛松 张涛 程天宇 等
Structural Design and Kinematic Analysis of a Novel Two-arm Collaborative Digestive
Tract Surgical Robot
65 基于ANSYS的折臂式高空作业车工作臂模态分析………………………■ 冯辉 农权 孟杰 等
ANSYS-based Modal Analysis of Knuckle Boom Aerial Work Platform Working Arms
68 适应长输管道市场需求的闲置小型吊管机改造……………………………………………■ 高杨
Reforming Idle Small-sized Pipe Lifting Machine to Meet the Market Demand of Long-distance Pipeline
72 差速器壳体铰孔刀具寿命优化探究……………………………………■ 张学斌 王春 尚宏彦 等
Research on Life Optimization of Reamed Tool for Processing Differential Housing
76 安图A2000PLUS仪器主轴系统中端面圆跳动的影响因素研究…■ 王培艳 秦兵兵 仇凌燕 等
Research on the Influence of the Acoaxiality of the Autobio A2000PLUS Instrument Spindle
to the Runout of the Reaction Panel
79 基于腱绳驱动的仿人灵巧手………………………………………………■ 刘阳 江励 徐俊佳 等
Humanoid Dexterous Hand Based on Tendon Rope Drive
86 下肢助残训练机器人设计与仿真分析………………………………■ 张同瓒 卢绍田 王成军 等
Design and Simulation Analysis of Lower Limb Disability Training Robot
91 基于激光视觉的鞋底喷胶路径生成方法研究………………………■ 林泽敏 袁清珂 郑倍松 等
Research on Path Generation Method of Sole Spray Glue Based on Laser Vision
机械设计与计算/Mechanical Design and Calculation
95 基于视觉引导的自动贴标控制系统设计……………………………………………………■ 黄皇
Design of Automatic Labeling Control System Based on Vision Guidance
100 基于数据驱动的加工单元虚拟调试可视化平台设计与实现…………■ 徐凯 曹锦江 王瑞琪 等
Design and Implementation of Visual Platform for Virtual Commissioning of Machining Unit Based on Data Drive
105 外夹式顶驱下套管装置的研制及应用…………………………………■ 邓荣 董毅军 王德贵 等
Development and Application of a New Casing Running Device with Top Drive
109 混合整数优化问题的差分进化算法研究………………………………■ 李道军 李廷锋 卢青波
Research on Mixed-integer Optimization Problem Based on Differential Evolution Algorithm
113 轮轨高频激励下高速列车制动盘模态振动及疲劳损伤研究……………■ 孙嘉毅 秦浩 朱海燕
Modal Vibration and Fatigue Damage of High Speed Train Brake Disc under High Frequency Wheel-rail Excitation
117 一种基于稳定性图的车铣复合机床切削稳定性研究及优化…………■ 曾梦玮 肖夏 宋冬梅 等
Study and Optimization of Cutting Stability of Mill-Turn Machine Tool Based on Stability Diagrams
121 水陆两栖仿生海龟机器人设计与分析………………………………■ 丁钰骐 耿兴华 周思衡 等
Design and Analysis of the Amphibious Bionic Robotic Turtle
128 水力喷砂射孔喷嘴研究…………………………………………………■ 王世强 王星 刘景超 等
Study of Hydraulic Sandblasting Perforating Nozzle
132 一种基于Hexaglide并联机构的六自由度风洞模型支撑系统设计优化……………………■ 冷强
Design Optimization of 6-DOF Wind Tunnel Model Support System Based on Hexaglide Parallel Mechanism
137 夹具材质和摩擦对放射性圆柱样品变形及应力的影响……………■ 张新荣 冯丹芳 刘显坤 等
Influence of Material and Frictional Factor on Deformation and Stress on Radioactive Cylinder Sample Fixture
141 纯滚动单圆弧齿轮的动态特性分析…………………………………………………■ 赵林林 武涛
Dynamic Characteristic Analysis of Pure Rolling Single Circular Arc Gear
机械维修与诊断/Mechanical Academic Communication
145 一种液压破碎锤活塞失效分析及工艺改进……………………………■ 韩玉娟 王尊礼 杨晟豪
Failure Analysis and Process Improvement of a Hydraulic Crusher Piston
148 乏燃料后处理维修技术特点分析……………………………………………………………■ 周琦
Characteristics Analysis of Spent Fuel Reprocessing Maintenance Technology
机械制造与应用/Mechanical Manufacture and Application
151 小堆装卸料机关键制造技术研究……………………………………………………■ 李军
Research on Key Manufacturing Technology of Small Reactor Refueling Machine
154 前起落架平行度工艺研究……………………………………………■ 王奉龙 赵勇军 娄雷亭 等
Research on Parallelism Technology of Front Landing Gear