1 中型数控机床防护轻量化设计……………………………………………■ 陈明 张贵林 张彦洪
Lightweight Design for Protection of Medium-sized CNC Machine Tool
5 基于改进型蝴蝶优化算法的机械手轨迹规划……………………………………■ 郭北涛 涂修贤
Robotic Trajectory Planning Based on Improved Butterfly Optimization Algorithm
9 磁性液体Rosensweig单峰传感应用研究进展……………………………………………■ 崔海蓉
Research Progress in the Sensing Application of Magnetic Fluid Rosensweig Single Peak
13 基于遗传算法的机械加工车间的布局优化设计与系统开发……………■ 刘洋 黄勇 武玉柱 等
Layout Optimization Design and System Development of Machining Workshop Based on Genetic Algorithm
18 基于数值模拟的发动机连杆强度分析及结构改进………………………………………■ 程彬彬
Strength Analysis and Structural Improvement of Engine Connecting Rod Based on Numerical Simulation
21 一种新型准零刚度系统结构设计与特性分析………………………………■ 施勇 葛新方 金亮
Structural Design and Characteristic Analysis of a New Quasi Zero Stiffness System
26 稀土铸锭柔性打磨末端执行器的设计与分析…………………………■ 屠庆康 董小雷 蔡玉强
Design and Analysis of End-effector for Flexible Grinding of Rare Earth Ingot
31 基于TRIZ理论提高扫地机器人外壳碰撞定位精度的应用研究………………■ 陈子慧 李志农
Research on the application of TRIZ Theory in Improving the Collision Positioning Accuracy of Sweeping Robot Shell
36 粒子****ID在感应式连铸中间包温度控制中的应用…………………■ 杨武全 张显都 冷方玉
Application of Particle Group PID in Temperature Control of Inductive Continuous Casting
40 滚动轴承多目标维修决策优化研究………………………………………■ 刘宇 袁强 周瑞平 等
Study on Multi-objective Maintenance Decision Optimization of Rolling Bearings
45 液压伺服系统自适应反步控制策略研究……………………………………………■ 王克磊 梁全
Research on Adaptive Backstepping Control Strategy of Hydraulic Servo System
49 采油螺杆泵摩擦阻抗力(矩)分析………………………………………………■ 程洛华 王世杰
Analysis of Friction Impedance Force (Moment) of Oil Production Screw Pump
53 数控加工原点防错技术探索…………………………………………………■ 侯强 舒晓君 陈刚
Exploration of Error Prevention Technology for CNC Machining Origin
56 基于高斯过程的转向架构架可靠性分析……………………………………■ 王峥 李永华 张旭
Reliability Analysis of Bogie Frame Based on Gaussian Process
59 基于SolidWorks热力耦合仿真的光伏组件层压机加热板的结构分析…………………■ 惠英龙
Structural Analysis on Laminator Heating Plate of Photovoltaic Module Based on Thermodynamic Coupled Simulation of SolidWorks
63 一种铁道地质勘探仿生机器蜘蛛的力学及有限元分析………………■ 李哲 翁溢东 伍世英 等
Mechanical and Finite Element Analysis of a Bionic Spider for Railway Geological Exploration
66 基于流固耦合的搅拌桨叶数值模拟研究………………………………■ 陈福华 张晨阳 张雷 等
Numerical Simulation Study of Stirring Impeller Based on Fluid-structure Interaction
71 改进YOLOv5模型的轮胎标记点检测算法研究……………………………………………■ 张贺
Research on Tyre Mark Detection Algorithm of Improved YOLOv5 Model
74 电子束选区熔化精密落粉铺粉系统的研究………………………………■ 马镇 刘欣 郑捍东 等
Development of Precise Powder Providing System and Powder Spreading System in Electron Beam Selective Melting
77 一种钹型直线式压电电动机的设计………………………………………■ 龙昊 王忠岭 闫明 等
A Novel Design of Linear Piezoelectric Motor
机械设计与计算/Mechanical Design and Calculation
82 基于MASTA的齿轮修形公差设计………………………………………■ 马志伟 王焕 刘亚男 等
MASTA-Based Design of Gear Trimming Tolerance
85 小型手推式垃圾清扫车的设计探究………………………………………………………■ 马臣斌
Design of Small Hand-pushed Garbage Sweeper
88 机械CAD/CAM课程混合式教学实践研究…………………………………………………■ 郭利
Research on Blended Learning Practice of Mechanical CAD/CAM Course
91 气悬浮涂布干燥装置排风通道设计仿真及测试……………………■ 丁俊健 邱术芹 黄红兵 等
Design Simulation and Testing for Exhaust Channels of Coated Web Air Flotation Drying Device
95 基于传感器的普通车床自动感应防护系统设计……………………………………■ 熊文在 李敏
Design of Automatic Induction Protection System for Common Lathe Based on Sensor
97 自进式喷嘴仿真分析…………………………………………………■ 王世强 王星 邢洪宪 等
Simulation Analysis of Self-propelled Nozzle
101 球面副间隙对外球笼耐久性寿命的影响与对策…………………………………………■ 吴望才
Effect of Spherical Pair Gap on the Durability Life of Outer CV Joint and Countermeasures
106 高精主轴装配工艺设计与测试……………………………………………………………■ 孙井泉
Assembly Process Design and Test of a High Precision Spindle
110 文丘里效应在负压风选中的应用……………………………………………………………■ 陈硕
Application of Venturi Effect in Negative Pressure Pneumatic Separation
113 Moldflow在鼠标注塑件成型工艺中的应用分析…………………………■ 丘继星 吴颖 胡珺 等
Application Analysis of Moldflow in Mouse Injection Molding Process
116 一种丝鞘机构的长距离摩擦损失分析…………………………………■ 王盛松 张涛 程天宇 等
Long-distance Friction Loss Analysis of a Filament Sheath Mechanism
126 一种应用于工程机械底盘改制的装配工装结构设计……………………■ 周志红 徐娟 唐镜 等
Design of a Assembly Tooling Structure Applied to Construction Machinery Chassis Modification
136 面向航空机载产品设计工艺协同模式探索…………………………■ 石晓飞 张永红 丁东旭 等
Exploration on Collaborative Mode of Aviation Airborne Product Design Procees
150 某预燃室天然气发动机性能开发试验研究…………………………………………■ 陈仲 薛滋德
Experimental Study on Performance Development of a Precombustion Chamber Natural Gas Engine
机械维修与诊断/Mechanical Academic Communication
121 MCKD降噪的EMD-ICA滚动轴承故障诊断方法…………………■ 宋玉标 张晓东 范福林 等
EMD-ICA Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis Method Based on MCKD Noise Reduction
129 某型飞机起落架收上锁固定螺栓断裂失效研究…………………■ 刘廷宇 胡俊聪 王亚军 等
Breakgae Fixed Bolt Research of a Kind of Aircraft Landing Gear Upper Lock
133 某型液压旋转接头渗漏油故障分析…………………………………………■ 夏敏 滕伟杰 张峰
Analysis of Oil Leakage on the Hydraulic Rotary Joint
机械制造与应用/Mechanical Manufacture and Application
141 高水头大容量机组通风槽板制造技术……………………………………………■ 刘福仁 吴建洪
Manufacturing Technology of Ventilating Slot Plate for High Head and Large Capacity Hydro Generator
144 一种新型航空发动机涡轮叶片叶冠啮合面的修复技术…………………………………■ 徐培胜
A New Repair Technology for the Mating Surface of Aero-engine Turbine Blade Crown
147 HFETR同位素靶件的焊接工艺优化……………………………………■ 王晔晗 吴瑞 乔晨晓 等
Optimization of Welding Process for HFETR Isotope Target