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  首页 > 往期预览 > 2024-03   第1页 【共1页】


2024年第3期 ( 2024年3月10日出版 )

机械研究与分析/Mechanical Research and Analysis

1 下肢外骨骼柔性踝关节设计及助力研究………………………………■ 何谦 郁祉杰 叶礼贤 等
Design and Dynamic Simulation of Flexible Ankle Joint in Lower Limb Exoskeleton
6 立柱式SCARA型码垛机器人设计与分析…………………………………………………■ 史文杰
Design and Analysis of a Column–type SCARA Stacking Robot
10 基于大挠度理论的金橡板真空吸附供板机构设计……………………■ 崔祖铭 晏祖根 高凌 等
Design of Vacuum Adsorption Supply Mechanism for Golden Oak Panels Based on Large Deflection Theory
14 基于Moldflow软件对薄壁件某塑料喷嘴的注塑方案优化研究…………■ 袁志华 符烜赫 袁博
Optimization of Injection Molding Scheme for a Thin-walled Plastic Nozzle Based on Moldflow Software
18 基于改进RRT算法的冗余机械臂路径规划研究…………………………………■ 付东昊 赵铁军
Research on Path Planning of Redundant Manipulator Based on Improved RRT Algorithm
21 基于共面靶标的线结构光机器人视觉标定方法……………………………■ 乔赫廷 张然 王黠
Visual Calibration Method of Linear Structured Light Robot Based on Coplanar Target
26 基于四叉树的ORB特征阶梯分布算法…………………………………■ 季莘翔 王宇钢 林一鸣
ORB Feature Ladder Distribution Algorithm Based on Quadtree
31 基于NX软件制图模块的相交剖切面剖视图表达方法研究…………………………………■ 矫健
Research on the Expression Method of Intersection Section View Based on NX Software Drawing
34 钢制表面除锈爬壁机器人系统设计……………………………………■ 梁金丹 李昊鸣 陈真 等
Design of a Wall-climbing Robot for Dragging and Coating Ship Outer Plate
38 基于ID3-CNN的旋转机械故障诊断研究…………………………………………■ 王承超 王湘江
Troubleshooting Research of Rotation Machinery Based on ID3-CNN
44 基于人工蜂群算法的机器人运动学参数标定……………………………………■ 蔡鑫宇 赵铁军
Calibration of Robot Kinematic Parameters Based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
47 基于FLUENT的轴承腔封严引气流动特性仿真分析及结构优化……■ 冷子昊 程荣辉 郭松 等
Structure Optimization and Simulation Analysis on the Flow Characteristics of the Bearing Chamber Sealed Air Based on FLUENT
52 集装箱自动卸货系统的设计与有限元分析…………………………■ 蔡校宇 胡俊宏 李明鹏 等
Design and Finite Element Analysis of Automatic Container Unloading System
55 涡******榫槽电火花线切割加工质量研究………………………………■ 李先国 孙伦业 高鑫 等
Study on Surface Quality of Turbine Disc Mortise Groove by WEDM
59 袋装螺蛳粉自动化包装生产线设计………………………………………■ 杨新新 林贤坤 冷臻
Design of Automatic Packaging Production Line for Bagged River Snail Rice Noodle
65 混合动力汽车模式切换转矩协调策略研究………………………………………■ 李月飞 付景顺
Study of Torque Coordination Strategy for Hybrid Vehicle Mode Switching

机械设计与计算/Mechanical Design and Calculation

69 滚子链外链节压出力计算与分析……………………………………■ 尚召华 谢爱军 刘天才 等
Computing and Analysis on Extrusion Force of Outer Link in Roller Chain
73 基于TRIZ理论的白车身焊接质量快速检测机器人设计…………………■ 钱美南 李龙 陈家乐
Design of Rapid Inspection Robot for Welding Quality Based on TRIZ Theory
77 基于零件族的数控编程实例……………………………………………■ 方振红 方春华 孙健 等
CNC Progamming Example Based on Part Family
80 基于MATLAB GUI的车用电池散热器计算平台设计…………………■ 尹黛霖 温溢 罗佳鑫 等
Design of Vehicle Battery Radiator Calculation Platform Based on MATLAB GUI
85 自主PDM数据建模方法及CAD集成…………………………………■ 王晓晗 肖鹏安 宋达 等
Autonomous PDM Data Modeling Method and CAD Integration
91 小型混凝土铣刨机铣刨过程仿真…………………………………………………………■ 王寒煜
Simulation of the Milling Process of a Small Concrete Milling Machine
94 油水渣厨余垃圾智能分离机的设计…………………………………■ 戴本尧 滕淑珍 庄千芳 等
Design of Intelligent Separator for Oil, Water, Slag and Kitchen Waste
99 基于机器人自动上下料技术的数控机床产线的设计与应用…………■ 张新棋 董传杰 王磊 等
Designing and Application of NC Machine Tool Production Line Based on Robot Automatic Loading and Unloading Technology
106 均热板扩散烧结成型质量控制……………………………………………………………■ 潘国向
Molding Quality Control of Vapor Chamber after Diffusion and Sintering
109 基于跌落仿真的热水器变形及问题改善…………………………………………………■ 王小龙
Deformation and Problem Improvement of Water Heater Based on Drop Simulation
112 排管机械手扶持装置的研制……………………………………………■ 邢大伟 王翠 张欣宇 等
Design and Research on Supporting Device of Pipe Arrangement Manipulator
115 铁钻工润滑方式的改进与优化………………………………………■ 王潇潇 段树军 范向增 等
Improvement and Optimization of Lubrication Mode for Iron Roughneck
119 基于自抑振技术的电动机轴螺杆加工专用数控铣床的研发…………■ 陈聪 邵思程 郑雪飞 等
Research and Development of Special CNC Milling Machine for Machining Motor Shaft Screw Based on Self Vibration Suppression Technology
123 一种采用组合曲线减震降噪的电磁锁的研制……………………………■ 时振涛 郝伟 刘强 等
Development of an Electromagnetic Lock with Combined Curve to Reduce Vibration and Noise
127 一种新型顶部驱动修井系统的设计……………………………………■ 张军巧 齐建雄 楚飞 等
Design of a New-type Top Drive Workover System
130 汽车电动尾门系统及电动撑杆的设计研究…………………………■ 吴越强 赵一杰 徐安生 等
Design Research of the Power Lift Gate System and Spindle Drive
134 梯形扰流筋对风电塔筒疲劳特性的影响…………………………………■ 宋丽娟 白琨 王子琦
Influence of Trapezoidal Spoiler Stiffener on Fatigue Characteristics of Wind Power Tower
138 基于S7-1200PLC的全自动胶带封箱机控制系统设计……………………■ 丛帅 张宸铭 褚学林
Design of Control System of Automatic Tape Sealer Based on S7-1200 PLC
150 注水井生产封隔器液压坐封球座的研制………………………………■ 张继永 李越 李英松 等
Development of Hydraulic Setting Ball Seat for Production Packer of Injection Well

机械维修与诊断/Mechanical Academic Communication

103 "大输液PP模具型芯失效分析及预防措施…………………………………………………■ 赵东
Failure Analysis and Preventive Measures of PP Mould Core for Large Infusion"

机械制造与应用/Mechanical Manufacture and Application

142 离心式压缩机三元流叶片热压成形工艺研究……………………………………■ 沈伟涛 翟武艺
Study on Hot Pressing Process of Centrifugal Compressor Three Dimensional Flow Blade
145 离轴抛物面超精密加工轨迹时间序列控制方法……………………………………………■ 蔡杨
Time Series Control Method for Off-axis Paraboloid Ultra Precision Machining
153 基于NX与VERICUT转轮体五轴******加工方案研究与实践………………■ 王信 刘勇 刘光虎
Research and Practice on Efficient Five Axis Machining Scheme for Runner Body Based on NX and VERICUT

本期导读 (2024-04) 更多>>

机械研究与分析/Mechanical Research and Analysis
1 数控铣床工作台有限元分析及结构改进… 程彬彬
Finite Element Analysis and Structural Improvement of NC Milling Machine Worktable
4 基于可视化方法的双螺杆停留时间分布及充满度研究… 赵中文 喻慧文 揭旭章 等
Study on Twin-screw Residence Time Distribution and Filling Degree Based on Visualization Method
9 机械专业“互换性测量技术”课程的案例式教学应用… 邓克 高文斌 刘涛
Application of Case Teaching in Interchangeability and Measurement Technology Course
of Mechanical Speciality
13 采用联合算法识别人-桥耦合系统时变模态参数… 方露 彭佳敏
Time-varying Modal Parameters Identification of Human-bridge Coupling System
Based on Combined Method
20 基于Abaqus的增材制造标准样件退火夹具仿真分析设计… 刘文萍 许强
Simulation Analysis and Design of Annealing Fixture for Additive Manufacturing Standard Samples Based on Abaqus
24 基于余弦曲线的机器人移动路径自主规划… 李峰 金永喆 朱文慧 等
Autonomous Path Planning of Robot Based on Cosine Curve
28 少齿差刚柔复合摆线减速器静态特性分析… 黄思语 唐源 李晴朝 等
Static Characteristics Analysis of Rigid-Flexible Composite Cycloid Reducer with Small Tooth Difference
34 模数式桥梁伸缩缝预制锚固区现场荷载试验与有限元力学分析… 丁智勇 赵志远 吴优 等
Field Load Test and Finite Element Mechanical Analysis on Prefabricated Anchorage Zone
of Modular Bridge Expansion Joint
37 基于Fluent的高功率密度SEA热仿真设计与优化… 范诗瑶 赵铁军 金纯旭
Thermal Simulation Design and Optimization of High Power Density SEA Based on Fluent
42 基于视觉传感的*********车的定位和路径规划研究… 王立银 赵铁军
Research on Location and Path Planning of Omnidirectional Vehicle Based on Vision Sensor
45 基于激光SLAM自主导航技术的多功能共享轮椅… 刘凯 李* 林群煦 等
Multi-function Shared Wheelchair Based on Laser SLAM Autonomous Navigation Technology
49 某通信模块机箱自散热结构设计与优化分析… 邓孟辉 金向阳
Design and Optimization Analysis on Self-cooling Structure of a Communication Module
52 碱式碳酸镁射流碳化反应器优化设计… 刘年生 任腾 王德喜
Optimization Design of Basic Magnesium Carbonate Jet Carbonization Reactor
57 基于改进四参数法的法兰螺栓连接预紧力优化… 张阳 赵晶
Preload Force Optimization of Flange Bolted Connection Based on Improved Four-parameter Method
61 一种新型双臂协作消化道手术机器人的结构设计与运动学分析… 王盛松 张涛 程天宇 等
Structural Design and Kinematic Analysis of a Novel Two-arm Collaborative Digestive
Tract Surgical Robot
65 基于ANSYS的折臂式高空作业车工作臂模态分析… 冯辉 农权 孟杰 等
ANSYS-based Modal Analysis of Knuckle Boom Aerial Work Platform Working Arms
68 适应长输管道市场需求的闲置小型吊管机改造… 高杨
Reforming Idle Small-sized Pipe Lifting Machine to Meet the Market Demand of Long-distance Pipeline
72 差速器壳体铰孔刀具寿命优化探究… 张学斌 王春 尚宏彦 等
Research on Life Optimization of Reamed Tool for Processing Differential Housing
76 安图A2000PLUS仪器主轴系统中端面圆跳动的影响因素研究… 王培艳 秦兵兵 仇凌燕 等
Research on the Influence of the Acoaxiality of the Autobio A2000PLUS Instrument Spindle
to the Runout of the Reaction Panel
79 基于腱绳驱动的仿人灵巧手… 刘阳 江励 徐俊佳 等
Humanoid Dexterous Hand Based on Tendon Rope Drive
86 下肢助残训练机器人设计与仿真分析… 张同瓒 卢绍田 王成军 等
Design and Simulation Analysis of Lower Limb Disability Training Robot
91 基于激光视觉的鞋底喷胶路径生成方法研究… 林泽敏 袁清珂 郑倍松 等
Research on Path Generation Method of Sole Spray Glue Based on Laser Vision

机械设计与计算/Mechanical Design and Calculation
95 基于视觉引导的自动贴标控制系统设计… 黄皇
Design of Automatic Labeling Control System Based on Vision Guidance
100 基于数据驱动的加工单元虚拟调试可视化平台设计与实现… 徐凯 曹锦江 王瑞琪 等
Design and Implementation of Visual Platform for Virtual Commissioning of Machining Unit Based on Data Drive
105 外夹式顶驱下套管装置的研制及应用… 邓荣 董毅军 王德贵 等
Development and Application of a New Casing Running Device with Top Drive
109 混合整数优化问题的差分进化算法研究… 李道军 李廷锋 卢青波
Research on Mixed-integer Optimization Problem Based on Differential Evolution Algorithm
113 轮轨高频激励下高速列车制动盘模态振动及疲劳损伤研究… 孙嘉毅 秦浩 朱海燕
Modal Vibration and Fatigue Damage of High Speed Train Brake Disc under High Frequency Wheel-rail Excitation
117 一种基于稳定性图的车铣复合机床切削稳定性研究及优化… 曾梦玮 肖夏 宋冬梅 等
Study and Optimization of Cutting Stability of Mill-Turn Machine Tool Based on Stability Diagrams
121 水陆两栖仿生海龟机器人设计与分析… 丁钰骐 耿兴华 周思衡 等
Design and Analysis of the Amphibious Bionic Robotic Turtle
128 水力喷砂射孔喷嘴研究… 王世强 王星 刘景超 等
Study of Hydraulic Sandblasting Perforating Nozzle
132 一种基于Hexaglide并联机构的六自由度风洞模型支撑系统设计优化… 冷强
Design Optimization of 6-DOF Wind Tunnel Model Support System Based on Hexaglide Parallel Mechanism
137 夹具材质和摩擦对放射性圆柱样品变形及应力的影响… 张新荣 冯丹芳 刘显坤 等
Influence of Material and Frictional Factor on Deformation and Stress on Radioactive Cylinder Sample Fixture
141 纯滚动单圆弧齿轮的动态特性分析… 赵林林 武涛
Dynamic Characteristic Analysis of Pure Rolling Single Circular Arc Gear

机械维修与诊断/Mechanical Academic Communication
145 一种液压破碎锤活塞失效分析及工艺改进… 韩玉娟 王尊礼 杨晟豪
Failure Analysis and Process Improvement of a Hydraulic Crusher Piston
148 乏燃料后处理维修技术特点分析… 周琦
Characteristics Analysis of Spent Fuel Reprocessing Maintenance Technology

机械制造与应用/Mechanical Manufacture and Application
151 小堆装卸料机关键制造技术研究… 李军
Research on Key Manufacturing Technology of Small Reactor Refueling Machine
154 前起落架平行度工艺研究… 王奉龙 赵勇军 娄雷亭 等
Research on Parallelism Technology of Front Landing Gear

下期预告 (2024-05) 更多>>

机械研究与分析/Mechanical Research and Analysis
1 中型数控机床防护轻量化设计… 陈明 张贵林 张彦洪
Lightweight Design for Protection of Medium-sized CNC Machine Tool
5 基于改进型蝴蝶优化算法的机械手轨迹规划… 郭北涛 涂修贤
Robotic Trajectory Planning Based on Improved Butterfly Optimization Algorithm
9 磁性液体Rosensweig单峰传感应用研究进展… 崔海蓉
Research Progress in the Sensing Application of Magnetic Fluid Rosensweig Single Peak
13 基于遗传算法的机械加工车间的布局优化设计与系统开发… 刘洋 黄勇 武玉柱 等
Layout Optimization Design and System Development of Machining Workshop Based on Genetic Algorithm
18 基于数值模拟的发动机连杆强度分析及结构改进… 程彬彬
Strength Analysis and Structural Improvement of Engine Connecting Rod Based on Numerical Simulation
21 一种新型准零刚度系统结构设计与特性分析… 施勇 葛新方 金亮
Structural Design and Characteristic Analysis of a New Quasi Zero Stiffness System
26 稀土铸锭柔性打磨末端执行器的设计与分析… 屠庆康 董小雷 蔡玉强
Design and Analysis of End-effector for Flexible Grinding of Rare Earth Ingot
31 基于TRIZ理论提高扫地机器人外壳碰撞定位精度的应用研究… 陈子慧 李志农
Research on the application of TRIZ Theory in Improving the Collision Positioning Accuracy of Sweeping Robot Shell
36 粒子****ID在感应式连铸中间包温度控制中的应用… 杨武全 张显都 冷方玉
Application of Particle Group PID in Temperature Control of Inductive Continuous Casting
40 滚动轴承多目标维修决策优化研究… 刘宇 袁强 周瑞平 等
Study on Multi-objective Maintenance Decision Optimization of Rolling Bearings
45 液压伺服系统自适应反步控制策略研究… 王克磊 梁全
Research on Adaptive Backstepping Control Strategy of Hydraulic Servo System
49 采油螺杆泵摩擦阻抗力(矩)分析… 程洛华 王世杰
Analysis of Friction Impedance Force (Moment) of Oil Production Screw Pump
53 数控加工原点防错技术探索… 侯强 舒晓君 陈刚
Exploration of Error Prevention Technology for CNC Machining Origin
56 基于高斯过程的转向架构架可靠性分析… 王峥 李永华 张旭
Reliability Analysis of Bogie Frame Based on Gaussian Process
59 基于SolidWorks热力耦合仿真的光伏组件层压机加热板的结构分析… 惠英龙
Structural Analysis on Laminator Heating Plate of Photovoltaic Module Based on Thermodynamic Coupled Simulation of SolidWorks
63 一种铁道地质勘探仿生机器蜘蛛的力学及有限元分析… 李哲 翁溢东 伍世英 等
Mechanical and Finite Element Analysis of a Bionic Spider for Railway Geological Exploration
66 基于流固耦合的搅拌桨叶数值模拟研究… 陈福华 张晨阳 张雷 等
Numerical Simulation Study of Stirring Impeller Based on Fluid-structure Interaction
71 改进YOLOv5模型的轮胎标记点检测算法研究… 张贺
Research on Tyre Mark Detection Algorithm of Improved YOLOv5 Model
74 电子束选区熔化精密落粉铺粉系统的研究… 马镇 刘欣 郑捍东 等
Development of Precise Powder Providing System and Powder Spreading System in Electron Beam Selective Melting
77 一种钹型直线式压电电动机的设计… 龙昊 王忠岭 闫明 等
A Novel Design of Linear Piezoelectric Motor

机械设计与计算/Mechanical Design and Calculation
82 基于MASTA的齿轮修形公差设计… 马志伟 王焕 刘亚男 等
MASTA-Based Design of Gear Trimming Tolerance
85 小型手推式垃圾清扫车的设计探究… 马臣斌
Design of Small Hand-pushed Garbage Sweeper
88 机械CAD/CAM课程混合式教学实践研究… 郭利
Research on Blended Learning Practice of Mechanical CAD/CAM Course
91 气悬浮涂布干燥装置排风通道设计仿真及测试… 丁俊健 邱术芹 黄红兵 等
Design Simulation and Testing for Exhaust Channels of Coated Web Air Flotation Drying Device
95 基于传感器的普通车床自动感应防护系统设计… 熊文在 李敏
Design of Automatic Induction Protection System for Common Lathe Based on Sensor
97 自进式喷嘴仿真分析… 王世强 王星 邢洪宪 等
Simulation Analysis of Self-propelled Nozzle
101 球面副间隙对外球笼耐久性寿命的影响与对策… 吴望才
Effect of Spherical Pair Gap on the Durability Life of Outer CV Joint and Countermeasures
106 高精主轴装配工艺设计与测试… 孙井泉
Assembly Process Design and Test of a High Precision Spindle
110 文丘里效应在负压风选中的应用… 陈硕
Application of Venturi Effect in Negative Pressure Pneumatic Separation
113 Moldflow在鼠标注塑件成型工艺中的应用分析… 丘继星 吴颖 胡珺 等
Application Analysis of Moldflow in Mouse Injection Molding Process
116 一种丝鞘机构的长距离摩擦损失分析… 王盛松 张涛 程天宇 等
Long-distance Friction Loss Analysis of a Filament Sheath Mechanism
126 一种应用于工程机械底盘改制的装配工装结构设计… 周志红 徐娟 唐镜 等
Design of a Assembly Tooling Structure Applied to Construction Machinery Chassis Modification
136 面向航空机载产品设计工艺协同模式探索… 石晓飞 张永红 丁东旭 等
Exploration on Collaborative Mode of Aviation Airborne Product Design Procees
150 某预燃室天然气发动机性能开发试验研究… 陈仲 薛滋德
Experimental Study on Performance Development of a Precombustion Chamber Natural Gas Engine

机械维修与诊断/Mechanical Academic Communication
121 MCKD降噪的EMD-ICA滚动轴承故障诊断方法… 宋玉标 张晓东 范福林 等
EMD-ICA Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis Method Based on MCKD Noise Reduction
129 某型飞机起落架收上锁固定螺栓断裂失效研究… 刘廷宇 胡俊聪 王亚军 等
Breakgae Fixed Bolt Research of a Kind of Aircraft Landing Gear Upper Lock
133 某型液压旋转接头渗漏油故障分析… 夏敏 滕伟杰 张峰
Analysis of Oil Leakage on the Hydraulic Rotary Joint

机械制造与应用/Mechanical Manufacture and Application
141 高水头大容量机组通风槽板制造技术… 刘福仁 吴建洪
Manufacturing Technology of Ventilating Slot Plate for High Head and Large Capacity Hydro Generator
144 一种新型航空发动机涡轮叶片叶冠啮合面的修复技术… 徐培胜
A New Repair Technology for the Mating Surface of Aero-engine Turbine Blade Crown
147 HFETR同位素靶件的焊接工艺优化… 王晔晗 吴瑞 乔晨晓 等
Optimization of Welding Process for HFETR Isotope Target

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