1 下肢外骨骼柔性踝关节设计及助力研究………………………………■ 何谦 郁祉杰 叶礼贤 等
Design and Dynamic Simulation of Flexible Ankle Joint in Lower Limb Exoskeleton
6 立柱式SCARA型码垛机器人设计与分析…………………………………………………■ 史文杰
Design and Analysis of a Column–type SCARA Stacking Robot
10 基于大挠度理论的金橡板真空吸附供板机构设计……………………■ 崔祖铭 晏祖根 高凌 等
Design of Vacuum Adsorption Supply Mechanism for Golden Oak Panels Based on Large Deflection Theory
14 基于Moldflow软件对薄壁件某塑料喷嘴的注塑方案优化研究…………■ 袁志华 符烜赫 袁博
Optimization of Injection Molding Scheme for a Thin-walled Plastic Nozzle Based on Moldflow Software
18 基于改进RRT算法的冗余机械臂路径规划研究…………………………………■ 付东昊 赵铁军
Research on Path Planning of Redundant Manipulator Based on Improved RRT Algorithm
21 基于共面靶标的线结构光机器人视觉标定方法……………………………■ 乔赫廷 张然 王黠
Visual Calibration Method of Linear Structured Light Robot Based on Coplanar Target
26 基于四叉树的ORB特征阶梯分布算法…………………………………■ 季莘翔 王宇钢 林一鸣
ORB Feature Ladder Distribution Algorithm Based on Quadtree
31 基于NX软件制图模块的相交剖切面剖视图表达方法研究…………………………………■ 矫健
Research on the Expression Method of Intersection Section View Based on NX Software Drawing
34 钢制表面除锈爬壁机器人系统设计……………………………………■ 梁金丹 李昊鸣 陈真 等
Design of a Wall-climbing Robot for Dragging and Coating Ship Outer Plate
38 基于ID3-CNN的旋转机械故障诊断研究…………………………………………■ 王承超 王湘江
Troubleshooting Research of Rotation Machinery Based on ID3-CNN
44 基于人工蜂群算法的机器人运动学参数标定……………………………………■ 蔡鑫宇 赵铁军
Calibration of Robot Kinematic Parameters Based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
47 基于FLUENT的轴承腔封严引气流动特性仿真分析及结构优化……■ 冷子昊 程荣辉 郭松 等
Structure Optimization and Simulation Analysis on the Flow Characteristics of the Bearing Chamber Sealed Air Based on FLUENT
52 集装箱自动卸货系统的设计与有限元分析…………………………■ 蔡校宇 胡俊宏 李明鹏 等
Design and Finite Element Analysis of Automatic Container Unloading System
55 涡******榫槽电火花线切割加工质量研究………………………………■ 李先国 孙伦业 高鑫 等
Study on Surface Quality of Turbine Disc Mortise Groove by WEDM
59 袋装螺蛳粉自动化包装生产线设计………………………………………■ 杨新新 林贤坤 冷臻
Design of Automatic Packaging Production Line for Bagged River Snail Rice Noodle
65 混合动力汽车模式切换转矩协调策略研究………………………………………■ 李月飞 付景顺
Study of Torque Coordination Strategy for Hybrid Vehicle Mode Switching
机械设计与计算/Mechanical Design and Calculation
69 滚子链外链节压出力计算与分析……………………………………■ 尚召华 谢爱军 刘天才 等
Computing and Analysis on Extrusion Force of Outer Link in Roller Chain
73 基于TRIZ理论的白车身焊接质量快速检测机器人设计…………………■ 钱美南 李龙 陈家乐
Design of Rapid Inspection Robot for Welding Quality Based on TRIZ Theory
77 基于零件族的数控编程实例……………………………………………■ 方振红 方春华 孙健 等
CNC Progamming Example Based on Part Family
80 基于MATLAB GUI的车用电池散热器计算平台设计…………………■ 尹黛霖 温溢 罗佳鑫 等
Design of Vehicle Battery Radiator Calculation Platform Based on MATLAB GUI
85 自主PDM数据建模方法及CAD集成…………………………………■ 王晓晗 肖鹏安 宋达 等
Autonomous PDM Data Modeling Method and CAD Integration
91 小型混凝土铣刨机铣刨过程仿真…………………………………………………………■ 王寒煜
Simulation of the Milling Process of a Small Concrete Milling Machine
94 油水渣厨余垃圾智能分离机的设计…………………………………■ 戴本尧 滕淑珍 庄千芳 等
Design of Intelligent Separator for Oil, Water, Slag and Kitchen Waste
99 基于机器人自动上下料技术的数控机床产线的设计与应用…………■ 张新棋 董传杰 王磊 等
Designing and Application of NC Machine Tool Production Line Based on Robot Automatic Loading and Unloading Technology
106 均热板扩散烧结成型质量控制……………………………………………………………■ 潘国向
Molding Quality Control of Vapor Chamber after Diffusion and Sintering
109 基于跌落仿真的热水器变形及问题改善…………………………………………………■ 王小龙
Deformation and Problem Improvement of Water Heater Based on Drop Simulation
112 排管机械手扶持装置的研制……………………………………………■ 邢大伟 王翠 张欣宇 等
Design and Research on Supporting Device of Pipe Arrangement Manipulator
115 铁钻工润滑方式的改进与优化………………………………………■ 王潇潇 段树军 范向增 等
Improvement and Optimization of Lubrication Mode for Iron Roughneck
119 基于自抑振技术的电动机轴螺杆加工专用数控铣床的研发…………■ 陈聪 邵思程 郑雪飞 等
Research and Development of Special CNC Milling Machine for Machining Motor Shaft Screw Based on Self Vibration Suppression Technology
123 一种采用组合曲线减震降噪的电磁锁的研制……………………………■ 时振涛 郝伟 刘强 等
Development of an Electromagnetic Lock with Combined Curve to Reduce Vibration and Noise
127 一种新型顶部驱动修井系统的设计……………………………………■ 张军巧 齐建雄 楚飞 等
Design of a New-type Top Drive Workover System
130 汽车电动尾门系统及电动撑杆的设计研究…………………………■ 吴越强 赵一杰 徐安生 等
Design Research of the Power Lift Gate System and Spindle Drive
134 梯形扰流筋对风电塔筒疲劳特性的影响…………………………………■ 宋丽娟 白琨 王子琦
Influence of Trapezoidal Spoiler Stiffener on Fatigue Characteristics of Wind Power Tower
138 基于S7-1200PLC的全自动胶带封箱机控制系统设计……………………■ 丛帅 张宸铭 褚学林
Design of Control System of Automatic Tape Sealer Based on S7-1200 PLC
150 注水井生产封隔器液压坐封球座的研制………………………………■ 张继永 李越 李英松 等
Development of Hydraulic Setting Ball Seat for Production Packer of Injection Well
机械维修与诊断/Mechanical Academic Communication
103 "大输液PP模具型芯失效分析及预防措施…………………………………………………■ 赵东
Failure Analysis and Preventive Measures of PP Mould Core for Large Infusion"
机械制造与应用/Mechanical Manufacture and Application
142 离心式压缩机三元流叶片热压成形工艺研究……………………………………■ 沈伟涛 翟武艺
Study on Hot Pressing Process of Centrifugal Compressor Three Dimensional Flow Blade
145 离轴抛物面超精密加工轨迹时间序列控制方法……………………………………………■ 蔡杨
Time Series Control Method for Off-axis Paraboloid Ultra Precision Machining
153 基于NX与VERICUT转轮体五轴******加工方案研究与实践………………■ 王信 刘勇 刘光虎
Research and Practice on Efficient Five Axis Machining Scheme for Runner Body Based on NX and VERICUT